Sunday, May 01, 2016

Sunday May 1st: Rain and West Philly with a Big Dent and a Massage

Outside the Back Porch
Good day everyone. Today is Sunday May 1st. Its May Day in socialist countries. Here is Philly we have a rainy day. This rain was forecast for at
Looking Out the Front Door
least 4 days. I got up and moved the care but
Driving in the Rain
NOT before I had to go back and forth because I forgot my car key for my rental. This VW Jetta has not ignition key but it detects when the key is not present. I decided I can skip the morning meeting and bring a 10 pound
load of laundry to do you do we do in West Philly. I just started to stop at the green line at 45th and Locust and take in the West Philly ambience and edit my
Green Line at 45th and Locust
blog post from yesterday. It's now
View from the Green Line
all the way to 11:24 PM. I have an hour and a half to get the car back at 12 I just got a call from Drew I'm gonna meet him at 1PM. That's the time I have to be at 12th and Chestnut  to return
Writing Todays' Post
the rental. I'm going to be driven to his place and help them get some work done to make a little money. And I'm going to my 5 o'clock massage. It's now
12:04 PM. I'm going to get out in the rain and head into Center City. The next part of my day.
Well, I decided to drive back to my place
OverPass Construction 
good my feet out very wet and I'm comfortable. So I went back home took care of that. I found a
Accident Report
scrape on the side of the car not cool but my $22 insurance on the rental saved my ass. Next group
OOPS!! :(
pick me up at 13th St. near Locust. We drove up to Essington. Boy, his place totally been
Going to Drew's

transformed since I last went there last late spring early summer. Kitchen looks beautiful downstairs
Drew's Place Renovated
looks nice. We  cleaned up his shop, took out all the stuff from one job. and then put a bunch of new 
The Office
stuff in his van for the next job. I earned 50 bucks!! I then got to take a shower and his nice new luxurious
 shower. I really needed to clean up since I was  feeling pretty grungy, sweaty, and dusty. well, Jewetta do
you like to think so we didn't leave till 4:45 PM. He did get me to broad and Fitzwater. I don't how
Before Clean up
to take a cab from Fitzwater the locus so I wouldn't be too late. I did arrive at 1420 Locust at 5:26 PM. I
Add caption
was more then 15 minutes late but she was OK. I then went to the Shake Shack and got a yummy
Soon to Be His Crash Pad
Chicken sandwich. I was pretty hungry and it hit the spot. I took advantage of The Wi-Fi they had
Going from Fitzwater to Locust
another place and added pictures and some narrative to that hosting. I then walked a half a
1420 Locust
block over to Saxby's and met Larry and Veronica. They ate at Chili's before coming over to the Saxby's.
20th and Walnut
We caught up and then we went to the 60 minutes. That went pretty well. I then checked afterwords, my data you need to join I've used 23% of my usage so far.
Delicious at Shake Shack
That's almost a quarter of my data.
Color of Astro Turf
I have about 21 days left in the billing period. Anyhow I came home hung out with Sharon. I also
At Saxby's
bought some cereal and some almond milk so I can have breakfast. I need my evening watching
John Oliver. I had a lot of trouble finding new ones I haven't seen yet. Meanwhile time marches on
Political New of the Day
even if the band isn't. And babies will be made.

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