Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Wednesday, February 17: A Decent Day and an Opening at the Supreme Court

Well I got up to go to the sunrise but I had a small problem. I could not find my keys. I left them in the walk in the front door and Sherry got them but both of us forgot
where she put them. Turns out up to 25
minutes, they were underneath my bed covers. Since I didn't have my hat and I was kind of exhausted
My Buffalo Reservation
from looking around for my keys I called Huber and figured out how not to get the carpool system in. I
My Busy Desk
noticed that the cars whole system is a little bit cheaper then the flat rate. Now, if I can keep myself from
waiting to last-minute I just use the carpool thing and save some cash and get a ride around town.
15th and Chestnut
Well I got the work and I had to go immediately to training. So I was able to write up to sanction packets.
Starbucks at 16th and Walnut
And I didn't get a new alerts. I know summer coming because I looked at my supervisors desk. I'm in
Blogging at My Office
scooted down to Starbucks. I had a change of plans right didn't meet my sponsor or another friend. The action begins Friday night. Well I went to my 7:30 PM Wednesday appointment and that went pretty well. I change text couple people and now I'm back at Starbucks with my $.54 refill of decaf Americano an Americano is very smooth. Well my calls now coming to my throat first time I've had post nasal drip cough. It's after nine and Starbucks
pretty chill when I'm enjoying myself just sitting here in the warm space. May have been some good text
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conversation right now. It's 9:57 PM at Starbucks about the clothes I think it's time to check the Google maps and how to get home.

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