Saturday, February 27, 2016

Friday, February 26: Whip It Good.

Well, I had a hard time getting out of bed this morning before it blew off the sunrise and was late getting to
One May RULE!
work. If I'd been to work five minutes earlier I would've beat my supervisor in. As it was I had them
Damn Moods
marked myself a half hour late because I got in at 9:30AM. Well I ended up seeing a few more unexpected.
A couple walk in etc. it was a grind it out kind of day. I got to sanction pack it all written up but I think I got I hadn't heard on my alert and scheduling can fill up
57th Facing Market
three appointments and the like. This was like the 5
Closing In
day this week that I thought about leaving early and I didn't. I had to cook these two yogurts are
56th Street Station
you and an ice tea for breakfast and lunch so I am not in the mood for. Coffee of course, is a major
Add caption Don't Want to
exception to my rule of eating for this evening.  Well, I worked until about 5:40 PM today I grind out
19th Street
a few quick phone call I got a few people scheduled. I didn't even have to add anybody. All I have to
Used to Be Berger.Org
do is make sure I do the same amount to find some packets as my alternate work does. Well I went to the photo lounge after I left work. They told me they can print 12 x 12 and
Milgram and the Elephant in the Room
13 x 13. I felt so much
Getting Motrin
better after that. I then talked on the phone and realized I had left out some information. I'm glad that
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information was revealed early in the process instead of later.
Well, I later on went to see the movie the Experimenter with Larry and Veronica. It started out really strong but kind of lagged towards the middle of it. It concerns itself with 1961 experiments on humans obedience to authority. Every body's heard of the Milgram experiment. It was pretty f fascinating on how Dr. Milgram
 thought. So I went to the CVS to get Motrin for Sharon. The script only cost 2 bucks and they are 800mg too. She was quite pleased. So the sloggy week ends on an up note. Remember the end of the week does not happen until tomorrow which is Saturday

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