Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Tuesday, February 23: Climbing Out of the Slog!

My Block
After sleeping at least 10 hours last night, I managed to get up and be on time for the sunrise. I was still feeling a little worn out. Dean was there and one point I
View from Front of Bus
got out of the men's room I said "This is not an inquisition."
Holy Trinity is at Top Left
He actually freaking appreciated my comment. He probably on a bit and then went on his merry way.
I then went to the Saxbys by myself as usual and to my bitter consternation got a text message right going
over my limit of data. Somehow light use the last 2 GB while my phone was turned off during the meeting.
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So I called AT&T to discuss this matter. The woman was more than customer friendly she gave me

a complement five gigs for my last 15 hours of my billing period. I was extremely appreciative and
Collie at Saxby's
thanked her up and down. I next called another AT&T rep about how flaky the AT&T app is. I read off to
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do error messages I frequently yet. I told her that this happened at least 50% of the time or use the app. She
Got THIS Fixed
just did I delete it and then reinstall it. I proceeded to do that while she's waiting on the phone. It's succeeded.
After Work @ Parking Lot
The only thing I wonder is well I get that 5 gigs as an overage for The next billing period. It was raining but
very lightly fortunately. I actually skipped to CVS to get to work on time. Once at work only if you clients
came in and I got a pain in the butt case dealt with. Actually I dealt with two cases with income one quit her
Me in My Own World
job and the other I added  the
income. I feel like I got some stuff done and I was a lot more
Making Dinner
awake today. I then but I was meeting with my sponsor but that was postponed. That
And the # 11 :)
was good because I'm still doing the write up on the fourth step. I want to Fairmount clubhouse
Trump Wins Nevada
and that was OK but a little paranoid. I then came home and made some Indian rice surprise which
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I had not made in at least a year. And oh yes Donald Trump won the Nevada caucus

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