Saturday, May 09, 2015

Friday, May 8: A Grinder of a Day

Walking to Pennsylvania Ave
Let's see now, I got up in time to go to one but I needed to sleep in because I was up till almost 1 AM last night.
The Pope is Coming!
I did manage to get to work on time but I did cut it pretty close. Got the work and saw some clients
issued traps passes and then had to plow through bunch of alerts. I very much got the one list done
Wes Sent Me an Old Clip of Steely Dan This Morning

but it sets me up for an extremely busy Monday of interviews. I would estimate I have 12 people coming
Catching the 48
in Monday.  Well I got to stay till 5:20 PM Monday the district ministers didn't realize I was still there.
And then walked on my own to the L and decided that I would be going straight home there's no way
50-50 @ Work. Lost Again
I can make that 515 meeting before it ended. 30th St. I caught the trolley the 27th. Believe it or not
Going Home From Work
I got there just as the seven I had to stop to pick up people. It was actually three minutes early. It was
Heading Home
due at 7:44 PM and I got to play second at 7:41 PM. well I arrived back around 5:50 PM and Sharon
Closing up the Salon for the Day
still at the shop setting up appointments for tomorrow and doing a count of the money she made with
North 24th Near My Place
Rich today. I'm finding myself pretty hot and tired right now. I think eating at last nature Valley granola
Butters Greeting Us
bar kind of spoiled my appetite. We'll see what happens. 6:17 PM nothings going to happen while I take
Lying Down @ 6:30pm
a nap. It'8:29 PM. I just got up and took a few photographs for comparison. I got up a couple other times
Time to Snooze

and had breakfast with Sharon at 3 AM and went back to sleep.

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