Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Tuesday, August 12: A Humid Rainy Day Adjusting to Being Back Like a Freak

6:30am Too Early
Well again today I decided to sleep in because I need to sleep. My new contraption doesn't seem to want to charge. I think I'm going back to the place I bought it tomorrow
Catching the EL at 46th Street
and exchange it for something else. I'm now going to the doctors office to get an
The Office
emergency appointment since my scripts are out. So it's 1030 in the morning and I'm walking up 15th & Walnut to take care some business. It's supposed to rain
I thought I brought my umbrella I hope
A Vendor at 56th and Market

I didn't lose it. (** Turns out I just left it at home)
I went to Dr. Camila's office at 10:30 to get my scripts redone. He saw me right away and we had a discussion
Vendor @ 15th and Market 10:25am
about Obamacare. He is not a big fan of Obama Care!! He kept saying all this stuff is going to happen
Still in a Mood
and stuff. I'm reckon he's a Republican! I just stepped outside and it's starting to rain pretty steadily outside. I lucked out and missed the rain when I
Rain at Work Parking Lot
 came back from the doctors appointment.
I'm just plugging away at work. I'm going to have to blow off my appointment with J. Cause I messed up on my
Taking a Lunch Break
bank account. I better call her and cancel. I'm going to Pat's house
to record him playing guitar and he's going to feed me dinner. Well time
My Found Umbrella
to go back inside since I don't have an umbrella or chair.
Didn't have enough money so I canceled my appointment. I  found out the therapist suffered
9pm Near My Place
a stroke last week so she wasn't home anyhow. I came home and slept from 6-8:30. Then went over to Pat's. He graciously fed me and let me recover from
In the Basement
my exhaustion. He is practicing his guitar His guitar sounds pretty cool. I  came home after the rain had
Pat's Kitty
 calmed down and finally put away some closer been sitting on the ground for a while. I know chilling out it's almost midnight and it's pretty humid but not very hot

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