Saturday, August 23, 2014

Saturday, August 23 Mourning the Passing. here comes the rain

t is 8:01 AM I got up at seven caught up on my bad news of this week with Ferguson  the Middle East, and death.
Catching the 21 at 7/;45
Making Verizon's Colors Orange
Speaking of sad news I'm going to have
Walnut and 20th

the parts for her to say goodbye to Lauren going knew from
IOP after I go to the men's meeting. I
30th Street with Beggar
decided to rent a zip car because it would make it a lot easier to be a sloth in the morning.
On Route 30 West

I got my Zipcar after the meeting after I saw an artist I haven't talked to in a while.  I got my car
and drove all the way out to Parkesburg which took an hour and 10
minutes. It was a very tight and compact service. Who is very down to earth. You got Saturn Saturn for me as it went on especially when the father told me that he appreciated
my visits.
 I had split earlier than I wanted because Zipcar was due. The ride home just sucked. Anyhow him what
USB in Car. NICE
else can I say. I decided to get some Scripps and go to the café and Renada which is next to the laundromat
. And had a huge I had a huge veggie wrap along with a large coffee. I sorted through my pictures and talk to a friend on Facebook messenger.
Lauren and I Had Good Eats!!
The scenery in that area near gap Pennsylvania was beautiful I couldn't help but take pictures while I was in the funeral procession 
Gap Clock
because we were going about 10 miles an hour. So eating all this food and
Looming Clouds on Route 30 East
drinking this coffee is going to make me very tired and want to take a very nice power nap. I
Traffic Jam Back in Philly
may go out with my friend but she may not be available because she's got some heavy duty work stuff
over her head. And if not maybe I'll go through. Everyone else I know is I am tied up right now.
Facebook friend from Tennessee almost was going to call me but Wi-Fi died or what have you. I was going to
Cafe Renata
have a second cup and I'm hooked up to Xfinity for about an hour or half-hour until this computer dies. I'm still waiting for the cord that I left over in Ocean City last week.
Is already 5:48 PM it is spitting rain right now and I'm leaving the café to walk home. I'm gonna see if this theory that you drink coffee before
your nap and then when you wake up you're less groggy. And after that I may may not go out
tonight. Well my friend did not text so she had to take care of some very heavy business this evening. I got up from my nap and decided
to get a message at 13th and Chestnut so I will get out of the apt. Got a coffee at Starbucks and now
they are closing. Its 9pm and they are kicking me out.

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