Wednesday, April 02, 2014

April 1st: Goodbye Toviah Thrift Store

Today I witnessed the passing of an era On the way to pats I stopped by the Toviah Thrift Store. It was a part of Covenant Community Churc It's next to the Indian store at 42nd and Chestnut called Rice and Spice International Grocery. This little mom-and-pop church bookstore  had been around for a long time. Pat recalled seeing it when he was attending Penn back in the mid 80s. It was actually established in 1978. I l learned that Rev Falcon's ministry was for children. Here is a write up about it.
Toviah is an interesting non-profit. It is ran by Reverend Larry Falcon and serves as safe haven for kids in the community while also helping offset some of the financial needs that come along with running a small ministry, Covenant Community Church (which is also located in the shop). The ministry is solely dedicated to children. Another fascinating aspect of Toviah is the elementary school that was birthed out the back of the store.
The Jubilee School provides children from the West and Southwest Philadelphia community the opportunity to receive a private school education without the hefty price tag that come attached to most private schools.
  It was now closed. I found out that the Rev. Larry Falcon  had retired and sold the property to the folks who own the Dana Mandi Indian store next to the Kabobeesh, Yesterday April 1st, 
clearing things out of the old thrift shop and walked in. I saw a vast open space in the very back there was a ton of old books, CDs, and cassettes.It was quite a sight. The Dana Mandi Indian store is moving into the old bookstore and replacing the Dana Mandy may be a Chinese
store. I was also told that the rent in that Dana Mandi property is $3600/mo. The folks of Dana Mandi bought the bookstore property. For  $3000 a month mortgage. They will now own that her store instead of renting. I will keep y'all posted on these developments as they come. I have a fond memory of shopping Dana Mandi last September. Its funny how memories can be made.
Piles of Books

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