Monday, August 22, 2016

Sunday, August 21: A Bonus Day for this Blogger/Pet Sitter

Good Sunday everyone. I got up at 7 AM to get ready to walk the dog. I had breakfast and time caught up with me so I had the hustle to the dog walk. I
The 48
decided to go with the flow and I took Uber.
That give me enough time to walk the dogs and get picked up on time. then get ready to get picked
Pet Sitting Locale
up and go to Rosemont. We went to a place called the Griffin Café. In Rosemont. Had
The Cafe in Rosemont
a had an egg and cheese bagel sandwich. We then  went to the ACA meeting. It was pretty
Enjoying Breakfast
interesting pretty interesting. There are similarities but differences is well. Plus books
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called the "Red Book." The people were nice and the nice thing it wasn't was upstairs from the
Ardmore Pa
coffee shop with me it's very convenient. It's also right next to the Rosemont train  station. After work
Watching the Rain
we stayed and wrap the morning eat. We didn't decide we take a walk along the Rosemont trail it used
Quite the Storm
to be part of the BMW train line for discontinued in the late 50s. The weather got cloudy very
Flooding in Ardmore
quickly and then we got caught in a bit of a shower but it wasn't too bad. We then got back to her
Heading to Center City
place and talked a little bit and hung out. It was very pleasant and we got to know each other a little bit
Summer Trolley Repair
better. It was heading towards 5 o'clock and it was time to get myself back to Center City to make
Target Store at 20th & Chestnut
the coffee for the 8 o'clock meeting. I needed to be there by 7 PM. At this time a HUGE
Center City
cloudburst storm came rushing through and read flooding really really fast. The rain mostly ended by
Mopping the Flood
the time I got the Center City. I was greatly relieved I didn't have an umbrella. I came to the Trinity
Read to Feed Dogs
Church and there was slight flooding near where the steps were. I had to do some mopping and then someone else came and helped me. Coffee went fine and then I went out and took care of the dogs. After I took care of the dogs I took a four dollar Huber ride and came home in a half decent time. It was a good day

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