Thursday, August 18, 2016

Wednesday, August 17: A Normal Day @ Work. Meeting a friend at Gallery and Hanging with Pat

I got up early this morning and thought the meeting was at the clubhouse but alas it was not it was downtown. I stayed to have coffee and mellow
Fairmount Ave
out for a bit. That was good because I needed it.
Heading to OCF
I got to work on time after getting off at 52nd St.EL stop by mistake. I brought leftovers from my Indian
food trip last night. I ate half a bowl and I'll eat the rest tomorrow. I have also brought a whole bunch
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of change thinking I could go to a change machine and get money for it. Only problem is TD Bank doesn't
33 Bus to EL
do it anymore so I have to go to Republic Bank. They'll do it for non-customers free. Well least they
2nd 33 Bus
did several months ago. I only saw one client for AMR form the rest of the day was trying to clean
On the EL at 48th Street
up and schedule people there tomorrow scheduled approximately 22 to 23 people. I know I'll
52nd Street
get a half decent rate of people showing up since some of them are re-schedule from earlier in the month.
56th Street EL Stop
I did get some phone calls it added a little busyness and strap. Some of them are rescheduling couple
were just a lot of questions.  It's now 5:32 PM I am at 56th & market. I took the L down to eighth and
Leaving Work
Market and then walked up to 8th Street to Walnut to Starbucks. I'm gonna play it safe and get coffee now

and then catch the 47 to Catherine Street I got a large decaf them on a condo and I'm gonna hang out
Starbucks at 8th and Chestnut
at the small Starbucks. It does have a little padded seat area.  It's a lot nicer out here that it has been
View at Starbucks
over the last week..
So I ordered a decaf iced Americano and completed to blog post.
Getting My Iced Americano

Erika arrived about 15 minutes early to the gallery so I left around  6:45 PM.  I noticed the flag and the
Got It
board worn out to announce the gallows open. So I helped a young woman take care of that and Erika
enjoyed the show.
It was a nice time with Erika.  She saw my photos @ The gallery
Entering the Gallery
and then we hung out at the Starbucks at 9th and South. She then drove me to 13th and Market so I
Meeting My Friend
so I could kept the EL to 40th St. to 40th St. to meet with Pat.
While I was making
@ 40th Street EL Stop
this message I walked the wrong way towards 39th St. 😁😁 well I ended up going to the
PACKED at 9pm @ 40th
7-Eleven and converting a big bucket of change to $23. I then withdrew a 20 and all was good. Pat
Counting  $23 in Change
and I had Indian and then we watched a story about the Philadelphia experiment and I went to sleep.
Finally Home
Got up around 2 AM and took Uber home

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