Monday, August 08, 2016

Thursday: August 4: First Full Day in Sault Ste Marie

It's been a funny day. I got up at 8:45am after staying up till 3am. I ate and went to a meeting at the cutest
Sault Ste. Marie
place. My friend Flo needed to help  her  disabled son deal with the water damage in his  bedroom. He
At Club 14
was upset & Flo got 2 fellows  to help. 
All 4 of us  spent the day moving all his stuff out of the bedroom.
We then put the items in Flo's storage unit.  The son lives on the 3rd Floor. There was no AC and it was hot & humid. Two other fellows helped and boy they were needed. We went back-and-forth
Got Stuff Here
to the heat flow got a truck and we hoisted stuff around I drove Flo's car and plug return the truck
Sausage Sandwich
rental and then we drop the other two guys off at their place. When I went to this restaurant. We
Cool Dude
decided that we wanted to see the sunset so all we had was soup. Because that would be quick
Social Housing
to fix and eat. She knew the waitress and this other couple that came over so all four of us just sat and
Moving Stuff
talked for a bit. The soup was pretty good quite frankly. Then she drove me and I saw the most
Job Done
glorious sunset I think I've ever seen. I took a wino approximately 50 photos of the sunset and of the
Look for the Moose
little shack right along the water. It was unbelievable. Unfortunately I couldn't share with the world
Reverse Side of Sunset
yet because of the Internet issue that has  already been discussed. We then went to Harmony Beach where
Lake Superior 
Flo's camper is located.
She took me to Lake Superior and put our feet in the water.
I then took the pasta I bought and cooled it all while Flo went to bed because she had to get up at the crack of dawn. The AA camp is tomorrow.  Another adventure for your favorite traveling man

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