Sunday, November 01, 2015

Holloween: A Day with a Meeting, Moving, Melrose Park and Temple Football

Well I slept in till 9 o'clock or so. Hi Ben got an email from my friend and decided that I would meet her before the 10 and 1030. Well first off,
Ready for Temple vs. Notre Dame
the 48 bus going down 23rd St. was having to go backwards because
My Attempted Route
I'm moving truck blocked the whole street. The woman who was there said that it is been a half
Bus Having to Reverse!
hour since the bus. And it's just now you understand this is one of the accordion buses. There twice as long and unbelievably hard to go
City Hall
into reverse. I then decided to catch a 32 bus is rolling down Fairmount
Here Comes the EL
Avenue. That bus was so incredibly slow it wasn't even funny. It took me 20 minutes just to get from
Fall Collage
my house to 11th and market where I'm catching BL. It is now 10:06 AM. Meeting was pretty good Lotta people
Old City
had a lot to say today. The business meeting was just couple of us standing around wondering if
The 48 Arrives Quickly
the group is going to open a bank account for this group. My friend was involved in the conversation so
I just up and split and was really lucky to catch the 48 within five minutes of getting to the stop. I've sent messages to both Sharon and Pat to see where
48 Detour
they're at with the moving. As of 11:57 AM I have
Fairmount Ave
heard from Pat. He is at Sharon's house now Weisser the 12th and arch near the Panera bread there lots
Big Game vs Notre Dame
of babies on this bus. report back to you later captain. What I meant to say, was that the 48 bus is taking one of its illustrious detours up 13th St. I didn't mean to confuse you with the message I don't know
Me at the Front Door
Waiting for the Truck
where we'll end up we might be at Spring Garden we might not want to start a family who knows
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anyway let 

me know. That 48 bus took the biggest dumbest detour ever. It went up arch took a right on 13th
Pat Strumming
then from 13th St. took a left onto Wallace then went right on broad 4 a second then turned on
Riding in the Back of the Truck
to Fairmount. So if I caught a bus hit 17th 19th St. It would've been 20 more minutes before I got
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home and enlightened the day. Well I got there at Sharon's and Pat was already there strumming Sharon's
At Self-Storage Place
guitar. Shortly there after Sharon's friend with the pick up truck came by. We then drove to the storage
View from Back of Truck
place and filled up the truck for one trip. Then we drove back and got a second batch. There was
not enough  room in cab of the pickup so Pat and I walked back to Fairmount. There's a little bit of a verbal confrontation  @ at the self-storage place.
Unloading @ 24th Street
I missed that as it went on. But overall the move went smoothly. I was
Relaxing At Pat's
pretty hot and exhausted by then. That storage unit is four stories underground & end it gets extremely
hot down there. Well Pat decided he take some of Sharon's thing she didn't want. So after we drop off the rest of Sharon's stuff we kept the truck loaded
with Pat stuff and drove over to Pat's house.
Pat & Dakota
Once there, Pat and Sharon unload stuff and then Sharon and her friend went off and Pat nine move the furniture
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in the house. After we did that, we then order from Kabobbish & had dinner. That was really good. After dinner, I took a nice long shower and got a
Good  Bye Pep Boys!
change of clothes from Pat. I then walked to try to catch the train
EL at 40th Street
to Melrose Park by 530 but missed it by maybe two minutes when I finally got the Jefferson Station. So
instead of taking the Warminster train tomorrow spark I'm now taking the west Trenton train to Melrose Park. That's OK, I can sit and relax for a bit and blog. Well I went to Amy's. I tempted to fix her computer. The computer is so funky. She drew up Microsoft Word documents but
Riding the Train
there's no sign of any Microsoft Word or Microsoft office in general. All her documents are now PDFs
At Melrose Park
which cannot be altered. We split a pizza which was tasty and I had an iced tea. We decided then we can
Near the Train Station
watch temple and we caught the second half. Temple was behind the whole game. They led 20 to 17 in the 4 Qtr, but Notre Dame  marched down the field. I missed that touchdown cause  I had to catch a train home.
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It was a pretty good game during the second half. I missed the first half. No I caught the train and I decided
to hang out at suburban station and charge my phone a little bit so I have enough to get home. I'm thankful it's not raining or cold outside. I'm also thankful I'm clean.
Well it's now 12:28 AM and I'm waiting to 50 to 2 K Blvd. to catch the 33 bus which is my best bet according to the Google maps. I am quite tired and ready to go to bed.
I see template Notre Dame fans filing past as a wait here on a cool Saturday night. I'm charged up to 15% on
my phone after sitting at suburban station. I now just want to get home and crash pretty bad. 32 bus came right
on time and is going to let me off at Pennsylvania Avenue near 25th St. It's a pretty direct route home. At home talk to Sharon brush my teeth good night. Good night to daylight savings time as of 2 AM

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