Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Veterans Day 2015: A Day of Rest

Early Morning
It was relaxing day Veterans Day 2015 November 11. I spent most my day off today sleeping. I got up at 9:30 AM. I ate cereal & went back to
12:34 PM
bed at 10:30. I then woke up at noon. I  had eggs and scrapple
at Sharon cooked up while we were talking. My friend Madeline then called me up around 1:15PM.
Work on the Neighbors Deck
She had slept in and just as late as I did today. We talked for about an hour. We're going to try to get together on Black Friday She wants Sharon
Sharon Cooking
and I to go out and she'll bring her friend with her.
Brunch. Almost Ready
I finished my coffee and then  crashed upstairs
Still Working on It
from about 2:30 PM to 430. Quite a busy day LOL!  I did however catch a beautiful sunset outside. I
Sunset Over the Back Porch
must've taken about 12 to 15 pictures. Well news be on the bubble of my sleepy day, there's more commentary
Sharon and Katy
about to propose framework for a budget
agreement. As far as we know it's still on but no major breakthroughs
yet. Their goal is Thanksgiving. Will Sharon's cutting her friends hair right now and they're in the
The Salon in Action
drying process. I'm going to have a frozen samosa and mango juice before I have to start getting ready for my appointment at 7:30 PM. That little muscle was pretty tasty that's for sure. It's now going past 6:30 PM so I have to start getting dressed
Dinner and Salon
to catch the bus downtown. Well Stephen Colbert took a really funny look at Jed bush his assertion that he would kill the baby Hitler if he could go back in time. Jeb is like Mitt Romney, so damned
awkward. Well, news works from WH why Y has for the details about the budget framework that may be approved before
It really looks like the Republicans will get The better of this
compromise. Wolf will get only one thing and that's education funding. Meanwhile the Republicans get there
hobbyhorses of no pension for future state employees & liqueur privatization. It looks like the Republicans got the better of the steel with the governor. This could've been resolved months ago hello

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