Friday, January 23, 2015

Friday, January 23: I got paid

Good morning are you weekend survivors. Today is a sunny Friday or at least it was in the a.m.

I Got Paid!!!
I went to the sunrise it was good and then I came to work and just seen a lot of people. The trans-pass pick
up thing was not the normal news to review that it can be. I have not heard from anyone during the
24th Street Looking South
day today including my roommate. Well I heard out Chinese for lunch and that was pretty good. I got two thirds
done the one report. I was glad to do that. I got away with working till about 530 and then my supervisors
Talking Life and Expulsion
told me get out what to get and it's good. I have thought about going to shoppers but decided that I
A Man and His Squirrell
get dude last minute desperate work. That was quite a fish and I got about 10 names done afte 430 PM.
Mid-Day @ 58th and Market
So I'm going to amble home tonight and get home at a decent hour. Well I was really lucky I caught the 7
Corner Store
Bus as I was just getting off the trolley at 22nd St. That is a modern miracle if you know anything about
Ludlow Street
SEPTA's route 7. I decided there was a good time to go to the OCF at the coffee house. I got myself a banana
Saturday's Nor'easter
and a coffee. There's a step meeting so and it's close to home so I'll get home relatively early it's
OCF Coffeehouse
compared to getting home at 9:30 or 10 o'clock. This Nor'easter is ONLY going to give us here in Philly 1-2 inches. Its mostly going to
Eastern State Penitentiary
be WET and slushy tomorrow. YAY. Well got to meet now. The meeting ended being in our meeting. It was interesting. Well I got out and I was really tired. So I came home talk to Sharon if it lie down and didn't even eat dinner.

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