Saturday, January 17, 2015

Friday January 16: Running Ragged

Early in the Morning
Today is Friday. It's going to be a Friday but I'm grateful that it's Friday mess for sure. The sun is out it's not
Extended Yet AGAIN!!!
frigid and I had a good morning. It's a good morning because I'm healthy I have a job my mother hasn't
Market Street
died on me and I'm going to find breakfast. Myself some great post on Facebook today that
La Colombe
were truly cool. I also got a book to put a gratitude list from somebody at the meeting. And then
2 Years Ago on Facebook
I hung out a lot Columbia and had a good conversation with some but I really never sat down and
At La Colombe
talked with before. Someone posted a link to Soviet anti-alcohol posters on Facebook. They were pretty wild!! And someone I met once center very nice note to me wishing me luck.
 I am about to go into work
At 56th Street Going to Work
about 20 minutes late. Lots of wackka because it's Friday and tends to be in attendance today as compared to others for some reason. That's
This is Work
because strips passes are held and there's the orientation. Well I was about as busy as I expected.
What I mean is I was really really busy. Writing up Trent passes in seeing people. I just went out and
ate and now it's 2:44 PM it's not freezing but the wind is picking up. 
Well work with interesting work like a beast. There were
Old City
somebody paging me that with page for me at 5:05 PM. Are you status license to work a little bit later. 544
2nd Street
I'm catching the EL to Larry's. I'm going to try to catch a quickie nap on the train before I get to 2nd Street. Well I got the Larry's been fed the cat.
Crashing Here
So exhausted I just lie down and didn't care when I got up. I probably woke up at 8:30 PM and had something to eat. I then went back to sleep for the evening. Good night everyone

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