Saturday, November 30, 2013

Last day of November: Conversion in Order....

Good morning everyone. Its Saturday and the last day of November. It was an interesting month for sure got up early went to the men's and now I'm over at old city watching a cat and now trying to prep
myself for the rest of the day.
Enter if you dare~
Pitman NJ
Market Street was closed between 18th and 20th.This was due to a helicopter carrying a large air-conditioning unit or storage unit on top of the building
At Venice Italian Eatery
downtown. I'm at place but I'm going to take a nap instead of going 10 and 10:30 Its NOW 10:05.I am at 2nd and Market feeding Cleo, I'll be returning to west Philly if I don't get a
An old 408 Bus Stop
particular email in the next hour or so and take care of my banking business.It
Skyline 4:16Pm
urned out the 5 o'clock dinner at Pitman at Venice was at 1pm so 1:30 I got a call while I happened to be at 30th St. I decided to do ZipCar  and made it on time before dinner was served. I got to  meet old friends
Returning back to West Philly
from the 408 bus and was very nice. One friend gave me recommendations for lowering my cholesterol. 
I dropped off the car
Good conversation.
when I got back went to  feed the cat on Regent Street then returned to pats house. At night went to the café where Sam's used to be now it's called Earth 
Cup. We both got some coffee and we walked The TD Bank to get some cash and eventually went back to my place where we met up with Rob. We hung out for about 20 minutes and that was cool. Next talk to Alice for 20 minutes and
she how to discussion about on fibromyalgia. It is 9:04 PM Pat is working on his presentation for his Chinese class and
Cat and Manora 
I'm going to go back home and charge this phone up and talk to Alice, 
I may go to a night out with Rob and finish out my evening. It turns out that we just stayed at 
Rob and Pat 7:08pm
4405 and 
watched Law and Order until I got a call and talked for about 2 hours. I then went to bed and got though the caughing of
Mixed Colors
another man. It was a fine way to cap off this birthday month of November 2013

Black Friday, November 29

Getting in the Spirit
Well I got up really early got had and he joined me taking the train
Leaving at 5AM
to Melrose Park where we were picked up to go shopping with Amy's friend Jill.It was the coldest morning I'm experiencing last winner it had to be 20° outside!!!We first drop by Amy's place to have a quick
Amy's Art
coffee and apple pie. Then we were off to Willow grove Park Mall.Went to the Macy's Best Buy for little loser boo-boo boo-boo to go get donuts
Flying Pig
for the pitstop.  Pat went home on the 330 train I stayed over for dinner and watch HR Puffinstuff and Adam 12.
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I had dinner and then it was approaching 1015 it was time for me to have the train from Melrose Park . It was time for me to go to sleep since I've been up since approximately 430 in the morning.  I'm just about to get off my last stop home.
Matching Sneakers
Amy's Art
I'm going to see Rob the first time since he got out the hospital and then going to go to bed and I think about possibly going to a funeral going to Larry's apartment oh my.
It was a nice fun day of four of us had

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

After the Sunrise
Got up early and went to a well attended Sunrise. We then next visited Rob at Jefferson Hospital  and hung out for about 20 minutes. I just looked up the commuter
schedule to be in Horsham by 1pm  on Google Maps  and it was time to fly out of there around 
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930. I needed to feed some cats and and
Visiting Mr. Delmont
then go back to 11th St.
understand! I am taking the train to my Mom's place in Horsham. Well I managed to walk to 11th and Market and catch the EL just at was arriving and then got the CORRECT trolley to go to 42nd and Chester Avenue so I could feed and change litter the the cats I was watching. 
View from 13th Floor
Following Mike to Rob's Room
 I then walked to 40th and Market since no trolleys managed to show up on Chester nor Baltimore Avenues. I got the El BACK to 11th Street where 
I took the West Trenton line to Glenside.  I walked about a minute to Old York Road & Baeder Rd to the 55 bus which got me about a half mile to  my mom's place. As I was getting
 off the Noble station to get to the bus stop, my phone
43rd Near Chester 10:05 AM
died. My mom's dial-up from the outside doesn't work so I went back to the McDonald's nearby. There I got a coffee and a McChicken from the dollar menu and charged my phone. I had not realized the charger was out of juice! I got to Horsham at 12:
05. My mother wanted me  to be there before 1PM
9:53 AM. A Sunny Road
so I made it to her place around 1230 and I was just in time!
My Work was Done here!
Well had some delicious chicken and pumpkin pie and watched Detroit obliterate Green Bay 40 to 10!  So I was just chilling out. I talked to Mike
Philly Skyline 10:45 AM
and will be leaving about

5:40 to catch the bus back to Ye Old West Philly.
Mom and I
It's  5:43 PM I just got on the route 55 bus about 10 minutes ago. I'll be taking this bus to the Olney terminal for about 45 minutes so I should be home around 7:30. Well, I got back to 4405 at
Pumpkin Pie...YUM
7:20Pm. I relaxed and realized that I took over 100 photos and/or videos today. I documented my morning and parts of the afternoon. I hope to have a 5 minute video set up soon. YouTube is going to take awhile. Meanwhile here is a short one.

Thanksgiving Eve November 27

Leaving Work
It was a rainy cold day in old West Philly.
Walking to the EL
The usual things in the usual way went to work and really work hard! Got three quarters of
The Train is Coming
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my car fare done   from about 1230 to 3.
Came home shop nap and just didn't do much else except be my myself good day

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Tuesday November 26: Here Comes the N'or Easter!

It is now 5:30 PM it is rainy and chilly here in Philadelphia.
Today was pretty busy day at work.  Didn't get car fare done but got some other stuff done.
Work Signature
Going to go to group 2 day's early but first I will be having coffee with Larry at Starbucks.
Rob is still the hospital. I visited Rob last night and he tells me you're not to be home until after Thanksgiving.
I just talked to Rob just now. (5:20PM EST) and he does NOT KNOW when he is getting out of the hospital. he's
A Gym Window
probably be released today!!The still trying to get the infection and it just have brought up amputation.
Group was good and then I walked somebody to their car and talk for a bit. Next I went to Kabobbish  for a quick dinner and went to Pat'. I found that he was asleep so
I talked to my friend over the phone for about an hour and a half. It was fun man!!!!
I was invited to an open house in mid December. That only be a fun interesting time. I said this and told folks I would put it on my blog
Pat with Pets at Midnight

Ready to go home!
 from Pat's and get some dry warm clothes on go to bed
Have a happy thanksgiving let me know when you'll be around.

November 25: Hey Kids Its a Monday!

On the 21 7am
Well I woke up that bumble up for the cold made it to the sunrise and found out that Rob is at Jefferson Hospital. Is a message she sent this afternoon from Jefferson Hospital:

"Hey mark.... Had surgery on leg, and antibiotics now.. Jefferson room 1330 of the pavilion building... ? Robert J.
I plan to visit him tonight at 7
My first plan to come home and take a nap. Fortunately for me cut 21 but quickly the 21 bus very quickly that really helped out. I found out why
Out of Toner AGAIN!
View from Rm 1330
was talking to someone I fell asleep and started snoring! Is 
 that great or what?? Another sign that I'm getting a little older. I'm thankful I'm healthy enough not to be in the hospital like Rob that sucks.
Well I took a nice nap and got up and went to the hospital to visit Rob and using pretty good spirits considering and stay there till about 8:30. The nurse dude was
Yummy Dinner
pretty good pretty cool and explained compartmental syndrome which Rob is suffering with this leg.
After I left there I went to Maoz Vegetarian and had a delicious falafel sandwich. The woman behind the counter told me about Dr. Douglas Graham. Its
Saw this while cat sitting
Visiting Rob
80 10 10 diet. Its a mostly fruit diet with veggies thrown in. 
It's interesting diet but I believe it's a bit on the extreme side.
Yeah I did talk on the phone and I went to do some cat sitting and had a nice brisk walk and I also picked up my leather coat that I left at their house
 It's going on midnight I'm turning into a pumpkin I am going to bed I'm listening to my body and going to bed