Wednesday, December 7: A Slow, Mild day in December
Well I got myself early for a 715 clubhouse. I am in had time to go to the OCF coffee house before hand and get some coffee. I can feel the difference getting up early and how tired I feel. I was glad I was able to remember to take out the trash for Sharon. I didn't have time to do the dishes but Lisa took on the verbiage. And then went to the meeting nd was very fidgety in. I think because I thinking negative thoughts like G these two have matching that head, and gee this one totes run her boyfriend wherever she goes. I worked on stop being are so negative so I just worked out my nervousness and anxiety. Next I attempted to catch a 33 but I saw one coming up from Fairmont Avenue so they do a circle they don't go straight down 19th at Fairmount any longer. I'm tried to ask the bus driver about it but he just gave me a little grumpy look. Well I went to fresh grocer and got ice tea and yogurt. Republicans are hell-bent on repealing the affordable care act otherwise called Obamacare. Hospital industry warns of 'crisis' if Affordable Care Act is repealed. Now I know Republicans care about big corporations so maybe they'll listen to the big ospital chains. When we got to work on time and got some stuff done I guess. One question I'm not going to ask my mother is what time I came out of the WOOMB I'm not doing it but somebody did here at work. I then went to the bodega and got some chips to get rid of the nasty taste from the orange that I just had. Well I had my Chef Boyardee with some hot sauce my workmate gave me. It's been a airly slow day today but which is good because I'm running a little slow today. It's gray and cloudy but it's not that cold and it's not raining! Well after nominating Ben Carson to head to HUD he picked a doozy for the head of the EPA.he calls himself "the leading advocate against EPA's activist agenda." This is scary! Oklahoma district ttorney Scott Pruitt. His office to the EPA against Obama's clean air initiatives. ell I took the EL down to the trolley to the 48 bus. It was a pretty smooth ride and I got some pretty good pictures while sitting here at the OCF coffeehouse. It looks like we're in for a cold snap this weekend and next Thursday or i t's really going to get cold as you can see in the photo from one of my weather apps. I was looking at the news and checking my Messenger and other social apps. Well I'm going to hit a 6:30 PM meeting. I was late so I was in the back. Sharon again cooked some of her lovely ravioli this evening. It was quite scrumptious . Before then I had come home and napped from about 7 to 8 PM. I was so exhausted. I practically fell sleep at the meeting. I then talked with a couple riends and then watch old flyers highlights from there Stanley Cup years to the 1990s.
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