but I guess I slept enough to get by. I’m supposed to be at my brothers
ouse by 11 o’clock for breakfast. It was recommended I bring something
hink I’ll take Uber from the place so I have time to maybe get some
offee for myself and another item to buy. Well I was enough for his
ad coffee today so I had a choice of getting
slice of pizza or pound cake so I got a poundcake. When I catch the 10:30AM trolley. Anyway hopefully This piece of poundcake will satisfy
funny. Here is an article about Donald Trump‘s mommy issues. The guy talks about attachment theory. He describes Trump is an attachment-avoidant I guess it’s a slow news day. Well I found a
perfect place to buy a last-minute gift. I proceeded to miss placed my
lowers somewhere along the time between I get off the trolley and went to the store. That was just five bucks it will never
be seen again. But I’m not empty-handed so I won’t make an embarrassment to myself.I’m quite
thankful it didn’t rain. I managed not to lose my umbrella because it’s in my pocket. It’s a pretty walk down towards my brothers place that’s for sure.
im have no class. Could you imagine if something Obama ministration said
something half his crappy? WOW!! Well breakfast was really really good.
e had a for Todda and I brought and some crescent rolls and there was poundcake
s well. There’s also fruit. Dave and his daughters made.
It’s 2:15 PM I had to throw out my Verizon charger cube because it wasn’t
working. My mom she was so I’m just gonna buy a regular old charging
ube for 20 bucks and get it over with at the Apple store when I get back. Well I went to the AT&T
tore and they have these big bowl best charging thing sell for the 20 bucks I just got a regular old
Apple charging cube $20 man. Cheese but they get you. I also
ought a Giro so I don’t have to think about dinner. Well I ended up crashing for an hour and a half and
hen I got up and realize the phone wasn’t charged and kind of panicked around for little bit.
eventually caught the bus at 16th and Walnut. Of course Larry got there
t 7:15 so it’s now 723 so I won’t get there till seven thirtyish I’m just running slow. Rain supposed to continue through starting around 8:30 PM.
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