forgot. It’s a crispy cool morning in early May. It is still early May. I have a feeling May
is going to come running past me like a frightened puppy in need of some food.
So in Michael’s today is to find some kind of seltzer that’s tasty enough to drink but not gonna kill me with its hidden sugar.
’s that sweet spot between chilly rainy days and stay for humanity to Philadelphia is known for. Well, I ended
was pretty far behind it was starting to stack up pretty high. I was mostly left alone except for two people I
he other was personal appointment who brought her pay subs just a moment ago
. It’s 3:30 PM and they don’t have any unsweetened seltzer so it’s either
bring my own or drink water. OK I’m give my homework meet her stuff and
hen I’m going to try to hit the alerts hard for tomorrow. I took a glance and
only one alert was added today. Thank goodness I got a break today
n that. I wrote up for 24 over payments today and took care of three alerts. I then called it a day at the welfare wakka! I was
eally really tired and decided to take a nap at Pats. That was the
ost intense nap I’ve taken in a long long time. I was sleeping hard for an hour. I woke up and I was really really
roggy decide to blow off the meeting and just head home and look for some food at the CVS.
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