Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Tuesday, March 27: Struggle in Early Spring

Well after saying fairly late last night I knew I was going to skip the sunrise meeting this morning. I’ve

 been wobble to eat some cereal and headed on out to go to work. The shower was nice and I felt OK. At various points I was tiredI saw about four people today. A couple of them didn’t show

 up which was probably a good thing. The income forms have been p

 itting around not being done so there seems to be a territorial challenge of who’s going to do it and I think it’s being avoided. 

 nyway I made it through work and then I came home and must have been really tired Chris I crashed 

 ard when I got home. I crashed really hard I was barely awake but I powered through by 

 alking towards market Street to catch the Alan‘s that I caught a 44 bus to fifth Street and then

 I walked from fifth and market 230 Norwich or I luckily caught 57 Bus 
 s it was sitting at the light. I got it for four for around 7:22 PM. There I

 type some of this blog and I’m going to put some pictures in while I have Wi-Fi at the

 SEPIA office. The lack of motivation that I have had Ms. 

 retty noticeable. I have flashes of motivation such as going to the March. 

 hat was greatly aided by and friend out in Baltimore. I’m now

 trying to see if I can do dating in therapy at the same general time on Thursday. 

 his is an example of what struggle in my mind that frustrates me to no end! Well 

things are actually not that bad but I get in my head. Tomorrow I speak at a  meeting . That’s always an adventure. My good friend Mike chose me so there is 

 lways tomorrow. Well the midterms are coming up and they’re already making predictions 

 f Democrats doing well. This frankly makes me nervous. Unlike Republicans Democrats are not ruthless 

 nough and they’ve been known t blow elections in my lifetime so I’ve saving some links for that.

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