Thursday, March 22, 2018

Thursday, March 22: Back to Normal.

Well I had found out last night that there was a two hour opening so I took full of vantage

 of that and took my sweet time getting up. Eating breakfast and getting out of the house. I caught the EL my usual away and before that I had gone to the  Starbucks at 13th and Chestnut to get some coffee. I got to work 

 nd nobody had shown up for me. I ended up seeing one person as an  ppp

 pplication because the person takes them scheduled the day off. I then got involved with this one case 

 hat that a for mentioned person saw but she wasn’t in today so I had 

 o write the narrative copy of the form etc. Ended up there was an 

 xception so I just write a special narrative that downtown in Harrisburg

 or paying attention to. Anyway it’s now 2:48 PM I’m just going to get my lunch taken 

 are of at the Bodega and get my tuna hoagie. I need a little time off I’m still not feeling lately myself still

 need to sleep more. Well, I just like the rest of the day and I saw one

 more person. That means a total of two people out of the 10 or 12 I schedule actually showed up to their appointment today. 

 t is true we had a snowstorm yesterday but today was definitely passable by bus or car. Well, 

 hile I was working the stock market flopped 700 points today. Writer for sleep believes 

that the 700 point drop with due to Trump threatening a trade war with China. This is going 

 n while he makes nice to Putin and Russia is  taking advantage  over the United States. Putin is quite the 

 achiavellian. I think it something over on the president and

 that’s a real big problem.while he makes nice to Putin and Russia is  taking advantage. Anyhow I got home

 and I saw to take a nap and be 10 minutes late to meet my friend at Saxby‘s. The nap wasn’t long

 enough but it was better not taking a nap that’s for sure. And more Trumpy news, the president switched national security advisers from McMaster to John Bolton just 
moments ago around 6 PM today . John Bolton is that asshole who was under the Bush 

administration. He’s very hawkish and outspoken nine. Anyhow I was too late to add a 

 riend because she felt she knew 20 minutes to set up for the 7 o’clock meeting. 

 ’m going to get coffee anyhow since I did get up. Well, my friend had to leave the meeting so I didn’t really meet her 

 or coffee but it was OK. I got my coffee and chilled out by myself. I then went to the meeting  nd it was 
 retty good. I then walked from my friend and then headed home and did my thing at home YouTube videos I made some pasta and talked with a couple friends. Nighty night

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