Tuesday, February 04, 2014

February 3 2014: A Snow A-coming

Greetings storm chasers and coffee drinkers
I got a text from Mark at 6:15 AM telling me this info. He said there IS A 3 hour delay. I don't get it since it is completely raining and we are just getting our FIRST wet snowflakes. I do know this. We are to get 4 to 8 inches of snow by the end of the day. Well, I would think when that's the case an early dismissal  would be more likely instead of  a late opening! THERE WAS NOTHING ON THE WEBSITE!
Oh I am pleased, but a bit confused....I'm walking down at Lancaster Avenue the snow has
just started the time 6:37 AM. I want Emily the Overbrook dog this morning. She's very kind to me and peed right away so I didn't have to walk forever!  As it was, my right
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sneaker, it's soaked but I have a pair of sneakers that  that I brought with me:)
While I was hanging out at the coffee shop, I got a text stating that we were closed for
the day! I was so pleasantly surprised. So I hung out at the La Colombe and then went home hung out with Dean and another fellow
from the program and eat some lunch. I then decided to take a nice two hour nap. I was invited to meet a friend at her door to work that but I got caught up cleaning the
View from Kitchen Window.
mess at my place. I had to take the trash and the recycling  out and I needed to sweep and scrub underneath the kitchen table.  I think
I met a Friend Here
it was soot from the heater vent combined with dirt my roommates and I caused.
 It is now 4:45 PM I am on the 40 bus at 23rd and Chestnut. I will be getting off at 10th and Spruce
and meeting my friend.
Hope you had him and then we hung out a cozy work out a snack. We were fortunate to be able to catch a cab and split the fare.
St. Joseph University
I went to a Monday night beginners and proceeded to leave my backpack in the basement. I hope to get it back since it has change of shoes and socks.
Candidate by doing some Internet research on capital 80 P. But if I sits on the criteria.

If you didn't see yesterday's highlights, you might want to. It more winter living from my eyes and ears.

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