Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Wednesday February 15: Mild, Warm Day. Raquel Welsh Died

Well, I awoke to mostly cloudy morning. Had breakfast 

put on my clothes for afternoon yoga and was very fortunate that the 730 train didn’t show up till 733 so I was able to make it towards Mike’s 

almost on time. I couldn’t find my phone app for my phone to sign in. I don’t know where it went. Well, it ended up Being in another folder. I had called the agency fortunately, don’t 
answer the phone before 9 o’clock or 10 o’clock. Flash problem 

ended up solving itself which was a complete relief to me and to those who 

know better. I then realize that today was gonna be a mild day. And ended

 up reaching about 66° today. That was quite stunning. Mike and I had a treat. 

We both got burritos at the tacodelphia place right near his house.

 That was really good. Mike then had an appointment online so I went out and talk to him on the phone for a little bit and walked around this beautiful, 66° day. It was interesting things going 

on on Carlisle Street which is the street intersects Lombard right next to Mike’s house. Somebody put up a sign that 

your tires will get punctured if you take a right turn on the one-way street. I also talk to the repair man that 
got reported got reported on by the neighborhood

 association. He got a ticket and a letter written on yellow paper. It looks all those

 houses hurt probably close to $1 million. It was just strange. Well I’m heading to yoga and 

then heading to Ardmore later on it’s now 3:41 PM I completed the class and it 

was pretty damn hot at the end. After class I told couple people that Raquel Welch 

died and I found out something very interesting. Raquel welsh had a video performing Bikram yoga back in the 80s. I was told that Vikram sued Racquel welsh, and the lawyers figured it out and

 Vikram made all the money from Raquel Welch‘s video. It’s actually on YouTube

 believe it or not. I’m gonna have to check it out. I didn’t got the train 

which showed up on time and headed to Ardmore. Thankfully it’s still pretty

 mild out and it’s not raining. Tomorrow it may be raining. 

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