Saturday, June 25, 2016

Friday, June 24: Payday and Brexit

Well after a decent night of sleep last night I got up in plenty of time to shower get dressed and head to the clubhouse for the 7:15 AM we are not saints. Actually it was
My View at Breakfast

24th Street
the business meeting and it went pretty well. After work, I caught the 33 bus directly to downtown
News and Opinion
and then cut the EL to work. My supervisor was again out. I cleared up the remaining alerts
23rd Street
and got 2 thanks and pack up completed. I probably should've had 3 of them completed but
Fairmount Ave
I was distracted by last minute stuff. One case I lost an important form. I had both of it in the scanned circular
View from Bus
file but it wasn't scanned to the computer system. I did manage to find it in the pile and always complete
15th Street
including carfare. I'd another case where a person moved to Johnstown. January. Your reason I
Fantastic Planet (1973)
found out if I got a call from the Johnstown Housing Authority. By marked off and cut the L down to
Internet Explorer Freezing up
15th St. After I got to 15th St. about to head home I realized that I need to go back on the out
Good Bye
to 2nd Street. I'm supposed to meet Larry around 6. His wife should be home so I don't have much
Leaving Work

time for blogging. I'm going to have chicken wings and fries. That will be my reward for helping them move up in their attic. Well out in the real world there's strong reaction to the Brexit. Great Britain voted to leave the European Union. Doesn't bode well I think. Also there was a post about weird book with weird.
56th Street

Old City
It reminded me of the 1973 movie called "fantastic planet." That was one of the most us are animation movies
The Weekend
I've ever seen in my tire life. I watched it when I get it I don't know where I was but I remember just
Charter House Coffee
being wide-eyed watching weird looking creatures & humans in the weird planet. Well I got to Larry around 6:30 PM. He had some really delicious wings that were
Free Sample
quite tasty. I tell down pretty good on them. And then assisted him in putting stuff in the attic.
2nd Street
Including a big treasure chest full of golf. I was little confused by all that but it went well I then watched a
Quite Tasty
movie called Southpaw. It was pretty good. It definitely had a formula or the guy peaked out and
The Condo
then hit rock bottom and then came back from his depressing Lowe's after his wife got accidentally shot due to him
My Way Home

getting into a brawl with some dude he wanted to fight him. After that I headed back home on the 48. I forgot we caught the bus right away I didn't get back home and  caught up with Sharon and then
went to bed. It wasn't
a bad day overall. 

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