Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Wednesday, September 23: 1st Day of Fall and Pope Week Continues

Good morning all you pilgrims and city dwellers. Today is midpoint of pope week 2015. I got up in time for sunrise and met up with
Sunrise over Eastern State Penitentiary 
one of Sharon's friends and what the paramount to 19th St. There I
More Prep for the Pope
caught the 33 bus. The detour was a lot less obnoxious and I got the meeting we much on time. It was good
Coffee Joe Yum
I then went and got my second cuppa coffee and intellectually stimulating conversation with
The Rooms
two friends of mine. Everything from Carley Farina to the pope visit. I named headed out to 19th St. and saw a bevy of signs letting you know that the
19th Street
pope is visiting. I got off the train accidentally at 46th  St.
SEPTA Restrictions
It was just as well anyway, since that second train didn't have any AC!
Today is nice and clear no clouds in the sky. Today at work with what
19th and Market
I imagined what would be like going ape week. I've been left alone and I've
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been writing up sanctions like a madman. It's good. I just noticed the keyboard on my phone
Fall is Here
 has changed back to the original font. I don't like that new San Francisco font. I don't know if it's
Phila CAO is CLOSED on Friday!
my imagination or not but the letters look bigger. Man it's messing with my eyes and my mind. I think it's going to be better
 to hang with Pat tomorrow. Tonight I have to present at the IOP at 6:30! Next I  therapy
Staff Meeting
at 7:30 PM.  After that, my friend Madeline's going to pick me up @ 18th & Walnut at 8:45 PM. She
Work Stuff
will give me instructions for The pet sitting job I have  in South Philadelphia.This pet sitting job
Getting a Ride to 30th Street
is going to be a funky one because to get to Fairmount to South Philly it's going to be VERY difficult since
Barricades for the Pope
all DIRECT transit routes will be NOT be accessible!!  She will be paying some good money. I'd say $200
but I'm going to be running around nonstop probably. Friday I have a chance to possibly chill @ home. I
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will have to stay in overnight starting Friday night so I can wake up and let the.dogs out. I don't
Extra Supplies for Pope Week
want to have to walk back-and-forth trip anymore than I need to!! I am very thankful that there's

no rain in the forecast this coming weekend. Well at 6:15 PM I got to get the 1420. And if all goes
My Order for the iPhone
well I'll be able to pick up my upgraded phone on Friday. 
AT&T just sent me
a text message since a majority of the roads leading into Philadelphia are closed Friday
Saturday and Sunday my phone's going to be late. It was a really hectic day  . I spoke in front of some

 folks at RAW. I  then I went to therapy @ 7:30 PM and by the end of all that I was spent. It was a positive
Hip City Veg Got a Smoothie
experience but I was pretty tired and hungry. I just took a shower and I'm cooking up some food.
Shopping in S Philly
 I'm now at Madeline's in South Philly. I spent the night over and met the dogs and multiple cats.
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No really begins. My Photo blog

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