Monday, February 23, 2015

Monday, February 23: Last Week of Feb Begins.

Outside My Room
Hello it was a fairly mild morning it was above freezing 34° when I left the house.give my time for a
Moving in Stereo
very good power shower. I look at the weather and it's just going to get colder as the day goes on until
Going to the Bus
tomorrow morning it will be frigid again!!! I was going to go today to the store and drop this thing off to
About to Catch the 48
begin my day but unfortunately the store doesn't open till 9 AM which would make me a half hour late and
La Colombe
I don't want to start the week that way. That I looked at my phone and saw all the good article by will
Mild THIS Morning
punch concerning the billow Riley and Brian Williams fibs. The fibs they made to make themselves
8:30 Catching the 21 to Work
look more glorious than they already are. I like the title Bill O' Riley and the lamest generation.
So, I'm going to come on time to work.
Maybe I will take a bus down and do this business with the Internet
21 Bus Drops Me Off
device. In the meantime, I am going to contact a company or two and see if they offer an alternative to
Stinking Lezvita in Concert
Verizon. I cannot abide by going with Comcast at all. Well, work was quiet but then got busy in the afternoon
Going Back to Work
I did not get to eat lunch till about 3:45. I then ate my Italian hoagie & it was very tasty. I thread told about
Cancelled My Modem Order
Internet service with Clear. Well I jumped the gun and ordered the Clear modem BEFORE knowing if I
In Work Lunchroom 4pm
could use the service. Well I was successful in canceling my $77.00 order for a modem overnight! Wow! That was close! What work has ended and I dropped off the machine got 160 some dollars credit back to my account. Took the trolley from 36 street to 19th St. and I'm going to get coffee at lock alarm I believe. On second
thought I'll just go to Saxby's since they do have the free Wi-Fi. I most definitely did not dress warm enough
Trolley Leaving 22nd St
for this cold. Tonight baby at night I say F it and just take the cab home. It's going to get frigid  again
Folks at Saxby's at 6:30pm
tonight and tomorrow morning. Horse every time I come in they have the weather forecast on the
Cold Feb 2015
big screen TV in here. It's a huge moneymaker out of here. The biggest crowd I've
Packed at Saxby's
seen it here. Listening to Bowie and I'm going to edit this blog real quick cause it's 6:38 PM in the meeting starts at 6:45 PM. Meeting was good I didn't get all my commitments filled but I have some time.after it was over, I got the 7 bus in time
My Clipboard
While on the bus, I read in the Harrisburg paper. Here's a link about the Republican plan to shrink state spending. 
Well I
Catching the 7 at 22nd and Chestnut
 texted A gentleman back-and-forth
about getting Internet service through a small company. It is called
24th Street North of Fairmount
Worldlynx. Yes me to investigate where wiring was to the third floor. I took some pictures for him.
The Phone Box
I then made some Indian surprise and went to bed.

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