Friday, May 03, 2013

31st March 2012

Here is a blog entry from one of my 7 or so inactive blogs. I keep thinking I will make new ones but I go back to the one that has the most history. Here is a blog post written March 29, my 15th day of Sobriety. This is one of an occasional series of blog postings from my inactive blogs

Today is Saturday. I just came back from a meeting. Now I am having a coffee and listening to the Rachel Maddow show on my computer. This show is great. Its nice to just chill here on a cool cloudy day in the last day of March. I bought a Galaxy 500 album. Brings me back to 1989 and 1990. I was open to new music then. Now I have to be open to more stuff. Do I really have a choice now?? I talked to a friend for an hour and that was fun. I still have to shop for Pat and do my shopping and laundry errands.

My right side of my back is hurting now but much better after a hot shower.

Vising my mom to morrow and will see my brother and his wife too.

The photo above is a photo of me on Gmail video chat. The video is the video chat in action. I was pretending to be from another planet.  This is what my friend saw when talking to me. We tried to reboot and sign on and off but Thursday night this is what I got. Its pretty cool. I like being a geek. Beats other activities I have done and its cheap too. The best part is that I can stay in touch with my good friend.

Soon,  I hope to get another iPhone so I can take my own photos again. This will encourage me to blog again.. This is my 3 remake of a new blog. I think this one will stick since, I get to count my days of not drinking and stuff.

I hope I can be more social with my friends from my meetings. I am finding out that making new friends is now difficult for me when it used to be easy. Well, it took months to make real friends in Millville and then I move away.  Oh well, day by day man.

Next weekend spending time with Carolyne and her family.

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