as a good feeling to be inside me. I went to sunrise with no incident and it was pretty crowded this morning and then zipped off to work pretty tired but ready to get some stuff done. I did slog for the rest the alerts that were given to me. I ordered some Popeyes rice and beans which are always very tasty and fill my
owl up. Towards the afternoon I started getting very tired.
So tired,
hat I went to the break room and literally nap for 15 minutes. At one simple moment I
hought I was at my apartment over
earing noise. That means I almost completely fell asleep. I came back to my desk pretty groggy but feeling better.
ust took a minute straighter said she’d look for me and wondered I left but
he has to quick question and she was gone. I suppose my reputation for always
eing at my desk did help in this case. Well I left work groggy
ut ready to go to the 5:30 PM early night out. I ended up being late but I did manage to
treet and then decided I take Uber. Uber took me up there on time. I was a week early!😮☹️
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