Monday, April 03, 2017

Monday, April 3: Sunny to start

 Good morning everybody I'm good day. When I tempted to get up early for the sunrise but apparently I didn't hit the snooze  and I went right back to sleep. I did eventually get up   nd grab some breakfast bars and headed out to catch the 48 bus. I got there and I was fine. I did get my cuppa   offee at Saxbys before hand which was good because I was really really sleepy. I came into work and I was still feeling sleepy   headed. I was also in a grouchy mood. I know it when coworker of mine was nitpicking at something I did wrong and I   eally wanted to just let them have it but instead I just said  something weird. Eventually I took some deep breasts and it wasn't that bad. It's now   :35 PM I probably should call my sponsor and try to meet them after work.  Today is an open day tomorrow is very busy with clients then an appointment and then a date.   As I came back from getting a soda at the Bodega I read something funny ye just kind of sad.  Comcast says 'trust us' to protect customers' browsing histories; Other laws still keep them private. Yes this is St people who don't know  how to bill people fairly. The same organization that lobbies Congress for millions of dollars please!!😡 well while    was working today a coworker was trying to develop my spreadsheet so I can mail merge my appointments.   hich might make it easier so I can send out mass appointments  if I can't get a hold of The clients. Well we ran into a kink in the system so he's gonna work on it on his own. Wasn't  such    bad day at work and I'm  not horribly is behind as I thought because they're bunch of 150 alerts which I need an hour just sit there pound thrown. Well I was in free unexpected surprise later on the evening…

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