Thursday, April 25, 2024

Thursday, April 25: 1st Full Day in Amsterdam

I woke up this morning after sleeping like a baby which I really 

needed after yesterday. That bed has a nice firm mattress and I was lucky to Bob computer control 
center lights went off and I was able 

to sleep. I got up at 8 AM or 8:15 AM so I could get ready to eat breakfast take a shower and go to the Anne Frank house they 
schedule my appointment. My appointment was scheduled for 10 AM, it’s about 12 minute walk from Bob 
to the Anne Frank house. It’s very convenient for

 sure On the way there, i’m at two nice women from Richmond, Virginia. Google maps had me very confused which turn I take and I just followed them to the place. I got there on time

 and I hung out with them while in the museum and oh my God that is the detail is kind of hard to the original place where she had for two years with

 her family and friends and they had all the diaries and short stories 

that she wrote and the experiences while she was hiding. It’s really hard to fathom. You

 just have to go there. Anyhow, I got back in. Bob had to take care of some

 business so I caught up with my blogging. Specifically yesterday‘s 

blog posting. I then talked to Larry and also talked to Mary by 

voice and by video WhatsApp works. And I took a walk and he got an extra key 

from one of his friends so I have a copy of the key in the house

 which God forbid if I lose would cost €100, don’t plan to do that. We’re going 

to go to 3️⃣ museums today. The first one we visited was called the 

Embassy of the Free Mind. That was really, very interesting. I must say. The 

second meeting we went to was called Museum of the canals.  It 

explored the history of Amsterdam and how the canals were conceived, and how the city kept growing and growing, and making rings around the center of the city.

 Pretty amazing engineering that went on in creating the city. They had to pile drive, massive polls into the ground, practically by hand, like 30 guys had to use

 this machine to bang the wood into the ground. It’s engineering

 and I can’t really understand or conceive at this point. Really cool multimedia 

to go along with it, including virtual people living inside

 a house from back in the day and it looked really real. There were AI and virtualreality can really enhance inexperience. It truly is a double edge short all that technology that’s for sure. oh news of reality The New York Supreme Court over throughHarvey Weinstein‘s conviction since they brought up evidence from other crimes or other things he did that weren’t  related to the conviction. Now some of Trump’s cronies want to use that as a way of getting Trump from under a 

convection. Amazing how wealthy people can just get away with stuff or technicalities what you call it by the best lawyers in town . It’s amazing when you go away all 
the weird stuff that goes on just for being away. It’s just how it feels mentally. If you went to the museum, we went down to Hines, Albert Hines market and got a few riddles for eating later on. Bob cooked up nice meal pork chops.

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