Friday, November 16, 2018

Friday, September 16: Work and Visiting a Friend in Danies

Good Friday kids! Yes it is Friday but it’s not payday but that’s OK I 

 ortunately have enough money to get me to next week thank goodness. 
Anyhow, I want to work and I was there on time at about

 9:05 AM. I started working on my alerts and whittle it down to about 10 to 15 left. My supervisor and a coworker continued their battle 

 f wills about a particular case. I think it got conclude it somehow. At least it wasn’t

 about me so I’m OK. Anyhow I would add a tuna hoagie at the 

 odega which was tasty. I ended up staying the whole day because I just needed to get 

 yself wrapped up so  can have my head focused on getting 

  sanctioned done and learning the new policy. I work to the 

 lerts and then realized I got my overpayment back and there’s some

 overdue once again. I think I’m going to attempt to 

 ust nullify am if I can’t figure them out because I can’t 

 tand those “O“ list they come out they become a big priority. Turned 

 ut to be a very bright sunny day for most of the day after yesterday‘s

 cluster fucks snowstorm that was bigger than anybody expected. Mostly 

 verything it dried up around here in Philadelphia. I then 
 headed out from work and attempted to make the call Mark rain 

 n time. I realize my friend got there an hour early. I then saw that there 

 ere significant delays. How significant well I found out when I arrived here at Jefferson Station.
I walked all be there cause the traffic jam was so bad take it was faster walking then taking Uber

 or bus. I found a bag and pack my stuff up got some coffee grab 

 he Giro and found out the 6:03 PM train was going to be 45 minutes late.

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