Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Thurs July 16: No Change Now

The 48 Arrives
It's a fine day here in west Philadelphia. Might say why was showing off? Because I'm starting a new pet sitting job as of tomorrow Friday. Today is
Head-Down Commuting
also the first night in human day in about a month I think. I slept in as
Path to Cat Job
well. Pretty good morning I'm ashamed. I then went to work and push through some folks and got some
West Philly
things done. I did not get any packets done as usual. That has to be settled on Friday. Well I decided to blow off the lawyer and go straight to group. Considering the lawyer is not an avenue about 45
46th Street
minutes away I think it was a sound decision at this point of my days. Group was very festive and fun
Cooking Out
actually. I shared my little ones about most things and a friend of ours got a nursing job at Pennsylvania
Hospital. I came home and say hi to Sharon and then tomorrow I think I'm going to end up going to Joel Olstean concert at the Wells Fargo Center
After Group
Trying to find out my cynicism but it's kind of hard.
Cool Shot
After group I got to take some really nice pictures of downtown Philadelphia near City Hall and JFK Boulevard I don't think you're inspired for some reason. I am going to be sharing those pictures and got some really good reviews on about two or three of them. It 
was gratifying. 
I hope the parlay the reactions of my pictures to some kind of art activity. I hope to get myself motivated enough to do something about it. 

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