Sunday, July 30, 2023

Sunday, July 30: Mickey Mouse Retired by Disney

This morning I set the alarm for 8:30 to see if I was a mood. It made it enough
and got enough sleep to go to at 10:30 yoga class. It was determined that that was not the case that I needed my rest and relaxation I ate breakfast and while I was packing up for going to Riddle Village in Ardmore, I realize there was 
some kind of leak or something

 and then I noticed things smelled. Not horribly but enough and then I 
had to clean at least 1/3 of 
the refrigerator so I missed the earlier bus to the Riddle Village but it didn’t seem to matter that much. I did feel good about getting that thing done. Also stuffed away the 24 rolls of toilet paper as of today.  

I want to see how long it lasts so I’m guessing he’ll last by the end of the year is my guess December 31, 2023. Let’s see if I’m right. Anyhow, I made it the real village with no  incident but and took my mom for a walk and it’s so much nicer today than 

it has all week. I couldn’t believe how let much less humid it felt. Anyhow, we took a walk weed 

we she finished her coloring in and I’m going to Uber back towards Ardmore. I arrived around 3:45 PM at 

Ardmore house after taking care of some business while I wrote the Uber 

such as getting the pictures of the wedding call down to a minimum of 

100 and then I’m gonna have to re-call them and then send them to the folks. I’m

 also gonna try to edit the videos. I just haven’t been motivated to do it. I really

 need to do it soon so they’re not gonna think I’m flaking out on them. It’s now 4:30 PM and we’re about to walk. Walt Disney officially retired Mickey Mouse.This article I saw describes that. We are now watching Yellowstone after taking a walk. i’ll tell you that show has more drama, then
 real life and stuff. Well,  I  got a ride
 back and it will be time to deal with TD Bank BS going on. It’s a little weird you can’t make transfers from your credit card to pay your credit card that is. I don’t get it. So I will have to call those dingdong’s tomorrow.

Saturday, July 29: It’s Yoga Time ⏰

I got up around 8 AM to get ready to go to this yoga class and 

workshop. I had to go over to Mike’s to get my thermos with my cold water in it. It has really cold water and I knew this class is going to be hot. I succeed in getting that and getting the class 

on time. The class was really really packed. It was a real blessing that they kept the windows open the entirety of the glass because it was really hot but I could breathe so it was very much 

doable. The woman who let it Rajnesh was very very chill and gave decent instruction. Plane sent it around 1110 and then we had a break until 1230 with the yoga workshop is set to begin. It’s now 12:15 PM

 I went to get a smoothie at the marathon diner and got that.  Anyhow, that’s

 that for now. Well, the class was decent. It was more of instruction 

than doing poses. I did ask a question about why I have so much difficulty balancing on 1 foot. Several poses require balancing on 1 foot and that’s a big 
challenge for me to combination of stiff, hip and weakness

 in the ankle and foot. Anyhow it’s pretty damn hot out here and I’m gonna get a 

bite to eat. I decided to go out and get some Indian food which

 was delicious. I wanted to treat myself. I hung out for a while and I really did enjoy myself. I then found myself feeling pretty tired and it 
was time to get my butt home. When I got home, I was so tired I just crashed for two hours and then got up at 9:30 PM and talked on the phone
with a couple

 of people. It was a really decent day I liked it.  Well, it’s now up to me to get fully relaxed and get ready for a Sunday and 
extended leave. Very busy. I can definitely do another one of those workshops. It was really informative and there was a nice center camaraderie as well which I liked. Tomorrow is supposed to be a little less humid.

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Friday, July 28: Trash Day and a Quiet Day

Good day it’s today’s Friday and I’m glad. I’m taking a day off of yoga class so I can work on my photographs and rest up for the intensive

 yoga workshop. That’s happening tomorrow morning at 9 AM. It’s already hot 

but you’re still dead breeze that makes it somewhat tolerable.

 I just thought of something there is a product called Bain de Soleil. It was for that St. Tropez tan and I just thought of it and they discontinued it in 2019. I can understand it with climate change and awareness

 of skin cancer and SPF 4 is really not gonna help. Anyhow, I arrived at Mike’s before it got really hot outside. We then took a walk because it only 

gets hotter as the day goes on. It was a good walk and we got stuff from a check cashing place such as stamps and a roll of quarters. Oh the rest the day was pretty quiet I must say which
was nice. I decided I wasn’t gonna go to yoga at four so I just relax Mike’s a little bit overtime and then eventually got home. They did go through some pictures and now I’m trying to 

figure out how much I’m charging and I’m gonna be sending pictures to Heather on a link via Google. I’m not sure how that’s gonna work but we’ll see what happens. I did manage to throw my 
laundry in the wash. I didn’t talk to my phone the phone with sleep by 11:30 PM which is good for me.

 I have to do that because I have a yoga workshop tomorrow at 9 AM which will go on till like one and I think it’s sort of like an advanced class . Other really good people are gonna be there etc. etc. Anyway that is that.