Thursday, July 27, 2023

Tuesday, July 25: Photographing a New York Wedding!

I got myself up around 8:15 AM and ate breakfast end learn how

 to use the tripod. I didn’t did last minute packing and then ran off to 30th St. to pick up the car. I left on 
the Stafford home 

because well I didn’t need to bring it because I was bringing the car back. The rental went off smoothly. There was no line. I got the car right away. I opted for 

all the insurance and the redeemed mine coupon, which basically help me make the complete rental cost only like 55 bucks. That’s the cost of the insurance
basically. Anyhow, I picked up the brides, mom and Ardmore. She’s all ready to go. The drive went pretty smoothly considering. We went through the PA Turnpike  to Jersey turnpike 
to 287 which took us over the Verrazano bridge. We found a parking spot. We 

talked along the way, and I got financial advice to maybe start doing

 the Roth conversion and stuff. When we got there and we had a very nice lunch, 

I had a salad and a little bit of chicken and something to drink. We hung

 out there till about 1:45 and then it was time for me to head to the hotel. Instead of driving, I left the car up in Brooklyn it took The subway to the hotel and 

beat the rain by about 10 minutes. And then lie down for 19 minutes and then took a beautiful shower in the air condition. Depart at hotel. It was such a relief from the 

extreme humidity that was envelope in. There was definitely a storm 

communicating down. I took Uber and it was  34 bucks just to go a mile and

 a half because well it was pouring rain and it’s New York. But I had to 

do it because it was drenching rain. And I had already changed. I got 

to this place and it’s a beautiful Manhattan loft. Quite unreal. Somebody 

actually lived here. Looks like an art gallery in here open floor plan. 

We did some rehearsal photos posing photos and the ceremony starts at 7:30 PM. Mitch now about

 7 o’clock now and Gus are coming in. Well, the gas did come in. 

There was quite a few of them. I guess there was about 25 people or 30 people there

really didn’t get a good count. I took a boatload of pictures I’d 

say 300to 400 probably closer to 400 pictures overall. It was a beautiful location. This place

 was a well appointed anyhow, the rabbi was a really nice woman and did a wonderful cheerful ceremony. 
They also did the crushed glass ceremony which was pretty cool. I think I got a pretty good video of all that. I got work to do on that. I think I might spend 

my Friday night and Saturday night fixing all that up because that’ll take me forever to do that. I got so many to sis from and then I have to 

talk to Heather about reimbursement and how she wants the photos etc. etc. I think I might just 

make a one blog page with just featuring the wedding and nothing else. I think that might be good. We stayed there for a while. There was dancing. Jamie 

Ward’s band was very good. I hope this keep in touch with him after I’ve left the wedding. 

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