Monday, July 03, 2023

Monday, July 3: Downtown Philly

Today is the first day of the first full week of July 2023. He 

plans to be a busy month. Today is not so busy so I’m taking advantage

 of that fact. Anyhow, today’s another hot and humid day in the city of 

brotherly wave, and doing a couple little errands. I was pretty tired so I took a nap. I then visited Mike 

and helped him straighten out a little bit in the rehab place, which is 

a block away. We talked for a little while and I then went back to his place talked on the phone and then Went to an incense place to get some incense Daniels South Street. It’s in 

the 1200 block of South Street. It’s not that far away. The vendor man was not open so that was that. It’s now 1:08 PM and I’m going to let up the incense and then go back to Mike’s . 
Well, I saw Mike and he had a lot to say and I think they’re going to keep keeping him through next week. We talked for a while and he might order food for me to 

pick up. Also, I did put some incense in Mike’s place and let it light up as I left. Let’s see if that works.   Well, I went to my 4 o’clock class and the door was locked. Apparently the holiday weekend 

starts today and goes through tomorrow and Wednesday is a regular day. I might go to class during the day tomorrow. I thought I’d go back home having dinner 

at a normal hour. I did that and then I crash really heavy because I was 

really hungry and I had food, so I came home and crashed. It was only 20 minutes,
but boy I woke up and I definitelyfelt like it Ted and intense nap. I then looked outside and just looked a nice. It wasn’t headed down to the train to Center City 

to go to the MONDAY Night Beginners mean which starts at 6:45 PM. The Supreme 
Court case that allowed the woman to turn down LGBTQ  customers WAS based on a fake situation. What a crock. So folks can make up a situation to fit their own political agenda and get it through the supreme court. They’re definitely 
doing some overreach here. Well, my big plan to catch the bus and be a little bit late for the meeting failed

when an ambulance just parked in the middle of the right lane. The bus is unable to move 

around it so it’s 6:46 PM and I’m at 17th and Walnut. Well, I 

didn’t get up. Nobody had the key to the church. The woman who had it lost it and other

 people had the car wait for the holiday. So it was a group 

decision to walk to the ethical society and we had our meeting we sat around circle everyone 

shared, and then we talked afterwards 
and everyone left. I’ve been decided to walk to 19th and Marc and catch the trolley instead of the EL something different. It’s now looking overcast and it’s just about to start raining because the humidity is gathering very fast. I came home talked on the phone and since I ate I just nibbled on a little snacks and drinks. Anyhow, that’s the official middle of 2023 were over 50% done 2023.

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