Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Wednesday, July 19: Dog Daze of July

This morning I got up in the middle of the night around 4 AM 

and then went back to sleep at this weird dream that I was supposed to be driving a bus and I wasn’t able to in his really long bus and I was responsible for driving it, but I was so 

damn tired that I couldn’t. Really stressing me out so I was asleep but I wasn’t feeling like I was getting rest. I then woke up and

 had an hour to try to catch up on my sleep. I did perhaps. After that shenanigans, I eventually got up folding my laundry from the 

dryer from all the yoga clothes and then  Packed a couple shirts and a Tupperware thing to return to Lynne. I then caught the L but it was running late so late they had to run one past us 

from Upper Darby to 52nd St. I got the Mike’s and his room felt cold because it wasn’t as hot today as the rest of the week has been.  Mike got a lot of deliveries and mail today and that had to be dealt with that included mom‘s meals and Instacart. I did go to the bank and cash a check at that beautiful bank building which now houses Wells Fargo. You know one of 

those too big to fail banks. I was just feeling kind of blasé today  Just a normal blasé day. It feels like the middle of the week 

let’s put it that way. It was good that it wasn’t as piping hot as it had been. It was also good that the rain held off 90% of the day. I’m catching the 351 train which  he leaves 

suburban station. I had to make a payment for a pair and that’s about it. Glad I have this extra job because
 I am running a little low for my comfort. This is 

especially with the trip to New York on make up for the wedding that’s next Tuesday and Wednesday. Well the train showed up on time, and I ended up in 

the quiet car. I got a phone call the beeper man he didn’t take any tickets,  give me a look, so I had to stop talking. They really do in forced to quit far SEPTA trains. Anyhow, I 

arrived around 4:30 PM and took a nice nap. I really didn’t need that nap. It’s now
6 PM and going to get ready for a walk. After that is dinner. I’m glad I have a 

supercoffee here to drink while I walk. we took our walk and 

avoided the rain. It only sprinkle a little bit while we’re walking. Afterwords 

I sat, and then my heel kick kicked up again when I start walking around

 again. But it got better. And now cooking up pumpkin curry soup from Whole Foods. It is really good. We haven’t

 had that in a while. It taste very very good. Yellowstone was pretty good tonight

. There’s a lot of  fast moving  things going on at once. The intrigue is mounting. 

That’s what was entertaining
 about the episodes. So when someday for this week. I ended up driving back and then being dropped off.

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