Thursday, December 30, 2010

Hurry!! Only 2 Days Left!!

Dec 29th at Larry's Bar
Here is a riddle that is real easy. What do y'all think of somebody who schedules 10 folks to come in for appointments when their Outlook calender shows they had scheduled doctor's apts for 2 of their children?? Me, I think that is not real cool. What kind of person is this?? Why would you do this??
Good thing my co-worker is quick on her feet. Well, not much was done with the carfare front, that's for sure.
After work, I did errands, went to WAWA for provisions, then met friends at Larry's Bar on Route 47 in Millville. It was pretty cool. Some folks are not cool with the Oar House at this time but I will not get into that.
Its almost the new year. I guess I could have done a 2010 retrospective but I was too tired for that. After today I will not have much time for blogging even though I am not working for the next 3 days. I do not want to plan anything, I just need to chill out and so do my friends and family.
On the rumor mill, I heard that one of the County Freeholders may resign to make room for Wayne Sojen. Crap, can't remember the spelling of the gentleman who ran for Freeholder yet lost. This is how the Dems got Nelson Thompson his political career.
The cowardly lion sleeps at night and is there a book called "The Plan". I checked out Google and so far there is not. Maybe I would be a better person if I went by this PLAN!!
Real men always have a plan to do what has got to be done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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