Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Great Recession and County Government

5:09am This Morning
Its a cold Weds morning. I was just thinking...Where is Robert Owens and his blog? It was called E-Cache and after going on Google, I found out its been taken down for a respite. His site went way back to the late 1990's. He is what they call an early adapter. My blog goes only back to Oct 2005. Well, we all do miss your thoughtful political commentary. I did not always agree, but I did  learn a thing or 2. Hope you have a Happy New Year and we can look forward to reading your commentary in 2011
In today's Daily Journal, I read that there will be no more benefits for county officials.This seem to be a political ploy since this does not apply to the folks currently holding these positions. In this article Tom Sheppard makes a very good point
Sheppard also was critical that the board took six months to reach its decision. He said the county could save $100,000 from its budget if the benefits cut was implemented immediately.
"That's three positions we could save," Sheppard said of other county employees. The county laid off more than 30 employees this year and eliminated several unfilled positions in efforts to trim spending.
Gloria Noto has such a sense of entitlement. It makes us low-level govt employees look bad. Unlike Ms. Noto, I do appreciate the salary and benefits I have earned over the past 20 years. I am sure Ms. Gloria Noto is honest and earns her keep but damn she seems to always come off so privileged. Don't take my word on it, lets let Ms. Noto speak for herself.
She denied a remark from Magazzu that she threatened to sue the county if she lost her benefits.
Noto said she is a full-time employee and on a par with department heads.
"That is grossly unfair," Noto said. "I am a department head, and I can't believe they want to take away my benefit."

Thanks Gloria!! This just proves that the County Democrats do not hold a monopoly on arrogance! It's always amazes me how when someone has been in power so long that they completely lose touch with the outside world!! I think I will complete the Cumberland County Survey. I just saw it today in the Daily Journal. I hope it asks about our public officials who need a little guidance! Here is the direct link to the survey. Let me know what you think. Well, here is what the outside world looks like. This was taken last night. Most of us have narrow paths in life, Ms Noto and others of her ilk.
Have a warm day. Now off to the Welfare Wakka to see folks and do carfare

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