Thursday, April 28, 2022

Thursday, April 28: Flying Back to Philadelphia

Today I woke up after the minor fall out of yesterday and several 
weeks ago. It was a coda of sorts. Anyway, I got up I messed around and drink coffee. I didn’t took a shower so I wouldn’t feel like 

shit during night sitting around at the airport for hours on end. Arrived at the airport via 

the Uber and that went pretty smoothly. I watch some YouTube and got some inspiration and Natsuo inspiration from various 
sources. I’m going back because of Stewart‘s memorial service which is two days from today. Tomorrow’s gonna be a very active day in the neighborhood I fly and go home and then go to a dentist

 appointment and pick up a script. After that  I have got to turn off my location services which I probably

 should do immediately.  it’s now 2:13 PM and departures supposed to be 46 and boarding was supposed to start at 20 one but people are just getting off 

the plane now so we may be running late. Where hung at in Vegas Airport for 4 1/2 hours and it’s 1024 and they’re letting us board 

There is no chance of getting an earlier flight to Philly this is the first flight to Philly in the entire airport. I did get a hoagie 

and tried to eat it was isolated place but I kept having to move because people crock towards me. Really good and tiring wearing a mask for 12 hours. It will 

be the first time I’ll be on the East Coast in quite some time.  We finally left Vegas around 11 o’clock . It was pretty boring. 

May attempt to sleep or – by an old guy would say that he would snore nobody else seem to mind it and I couldn’t get anybody to make them stop so I must’ve slept a tiny bit because anyway that’s that

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