Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Tuesday, April 19: A Day in Sarasota

Good morning. I woke up around 8:30 AM this morning 

coffee then we went out to a breakfast place nearby we were able to eat outdoors which is really pleasant. I had a big stack of pancakes and we shared stories latest 

story we shared about us about the treasury stole the money from the ceiling and tennis club I used to be a member of the Millville. 

The guys name is on the Internet and he ended up not serving any jail time and there’s an interesting story. We talked about dating etc. She’s  dating 

someone casually at this point anyhow we’re gonna go downtown and then she has to go to appointment so I’m gonna hang out downtown for an hour. It’s now 

11:50 AM. It’s now 1:52 PM going on 2 o’clock. I walked around downtown thought about getting a massage but they’re all busy. The building that rain is really nice I took pictures of it it’s 

very mild but it’s got a nice little breeze and it’s very comfortable 

outside. It’s not too hot. I also remember the song that I used to play all the

 time when I had a little more hope in relationship stuff. Anyhow, after this 

we’re going to go to the store and get some food for dinner tonight. Tomorrow

 maybe will go to Tarpon Springs which is about an hour and a half to two hours 

depending if you take the tolls or not. It’s almost 230 right now 

and I decided to get a diet Pepsi and mellow out in the shade because it is 

getting pretty warm now. I wander around and looked at the downtown it’s pretty quiet it looks 

extremely wealthy to that’s something I really noticed they love this guy 

Michael Saunders he has a whole building and have all history of Michael Saunders sells really high rent properties. Praise be him. Anyway Linda‘s gonna 

come by and pick me up in about seven minutes. Well I was picked 

up and we went back to her place. We hung out for a little bit I had something 

to drink and then she left and I decided I needed a nap. I was really tired I think the
 out the energy from me. But not felt really good. She got back around 6:00 PM from her 

appointment. We then prepared dinner that we bought and 

it was a healthy dinner with quinoa salad tabouli and potato salad. By the healthiest meal 

I’ve had in a while. We talked a little while and she gave me an idea I could possibly go back to seeing somebody under insurance. It’s another thing to think about as I approach the real world Philadelphia and white lies there and what creeping around

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