Thursday, August 26, 2021

Wednesday August 25: Humping My Butt

I got up this morning kind of tired because I had a restful sleep. Not sure why it was restless but it was. Oh right I had a stomach pain of  some sort that kind of came and went. I woke up knowing that I had to meet my 

 riend Larry for lunch. I know I have to be on time. Anyhow I realize later that 

made a social faux pas on another matter and that was very stressful for me. I had some Korean food with Larry and Wayne and it was nice. It was homemade Korean food from Wayne‘s friend. After a little while I had to leave because 

I had to go back to work and take care of some personal business. It was nice to see Larry again. He told me it was hotter here than it was in Florida. Why 

 fter I visited I hustle on back to go back to work. I got a very rude surprise that I had a bunch of reverse referrals that came in. There were about 24 of 

 hem off the top my head I also got a food stamp report and I know that

 report for the MA work support is coming in tomorrow. Anyhow I pressed 

 n with work. I work a little extra so I could be in better shape for

 tomorrow. Today was also the day I went to 
 ee Ted for the last time until October. He’s going on vacation soon. This appointment was intense. He 

 ook 3 πŸͺ‘ each representing fear, anger
 and sadness. A fourth πŸͺ‘ represented my wisdom. This meaning 

 he wisdom to understand the previous 3 πŸͺ‘  

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