Sunday, August 15, 2021

Sunday, August 15: Hertz Rent-A-Car Clusterfuck & LBI NJ

Well I wrapped myself up around 9:45 AM to try to get there as close

 to 10:30 AM as I could. I was to pick up a rental car at 30th St. Station at that time. Well I got there around 30 minutes late and there was a huge bunch of people waiting

 around. I found out that they had no available cars on there lot to rent out. Well I had never heard of anything
quite so screwed up in my life. I swear
 they were at least 15 people there with reservations 

 hat were waiting for their cars. The story was that the district manager was 

 selling the fleet late last week and actually selling them 

 s we were all waiting there. The two women behind the counter counter were frantically trying to get cars reserved before they got sold off. I waited till approximately 12:15 PM until I got my 1030 rental. It could’ve

 been worse. If I had showed up more than an hour late my reservation would’ve been deep-sixed. I ended up getting a half decent  ar. It  wasn’t too big or small it was a Kia. It’s white too so   won’t get overheated in the intense sunlight. I was really really glad to get the car out of there. It’s now 12:50 PM and I’m just entering Ardmore. We hung out in Ardmore for a while and talked for a while and I had two bowls of cereal because I didn’t have time to have breakfast because I thought I was running late to the rental car. It’s now 3 PM and we’re still on route 70 heading to Long Beach Island and to some miniature golf course and maybe the beach.

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