Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Tuesday: I don't mind

Tuesday, August 13, 2013. Sunrise business meeting after work went for coffee and planning to go out to dinner later tonight.
Taking the trolley to 30th St. and then hopefully I will get the work with the 9:30. I I timed the EL  and the trolley perfectly and arrived at 9:30.
hey it's 936 so I did pretty well start to rain again time to go to work again and Peter is out so that would be really shorthanded today
logging off for now.
Man for the program took a look at my place to see if you wanted to for a month. Not sure he is  going to do it. I think he's going to keep looking for the next two weeks. That's fine I'm not
counting on it anyway.
I next went out to dinner with Megin  Ardmore.
We went to the Ruby Diner at Suburban SQ. i enjoyed the conversation. She still had to leave in a bit of a hurry to go to a meeting which I can understand. I didn't kill time by walking up Lancaster  Avenue in
Ardmore. I'm catching the 103 bus. Before getting to the ninth Street terminal I called a beautiful sunset as we were leaving Ardmore, I was just blown away I kept running up to the front but if I get the pictures. 
I want to go on the website Blurb and see if I can start up a book of pictures that I can make myself I had vanilla iced
   They start off with a sticky rain   

coffee. I got a go cup for the finishing sips. It was delicious😀!
8:27 PM I'm getting closer to Wednesday I

1 comment:

Stuart said...

Vanilla iced coffee.

Ice, Ice, Baby!