tired. As you might’ve read in yesterday’s blog posting, I had trouble getting to sleep because I napped too close to bedtime. I napped
nighttime, and I think between that and being tired I was just dead to the
gonna be late, but I just brought a bunch of food with me, so I can try to eat as the morning dragged along. I was really tired. I had to take a nap
and I did that. Mike and I did take a walk which was good. It had a little bit of a misty rain, which went away after about 10 minutes. I
one more day and then start again tomorrow. I am feeling a little bit better,
Center City took some pictures and I decided to roll on back home. It was
good to roll back home. I I recommend it to anybody who can do it
who is not homeless or anything like that. I am STILL not feeling like myself as of
but not that much. It’s tiring being feeling off/tired all the time. I do plan to sleep in tomorrow and
The last time I missed 2 weeks of yoga was last July and August
when I got COVID-19!! Well, March seems to always have surprises no matter the year or circumstance. The only thing that could have made March MORE significant would be it being the 11th month of the year!!!!🤨🤓😳🤫. There!! I said it!!
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