Friday, March 03, 2023

Friday, March 3: Sunny to Start, Rain at the end

Good day everybody I woke up really tired this morning from my yoga yesterday from a little bit of stress that I had. I got on the train & show up about 13 minutes

 late to Mike’s. Once I got to Mike’s and I am an order came in around nine and I did his laundry. After that, I napped and put my head on the tape. That’s how tired I was. I couldn’t believe how tired I was but that’s not true

. I know why I’m tired anyway it started off sunny but now they’re doing it’s gonna rain a little bit later light rain, they said. Mike gets food for Mom‘s Meals and their official office is in Iowa. They seem to have issues with their computer systems. They need a better 

boyfriend that’s what they need. Anyway, they won’t disclose what’s wrong Mike didn’t get his meals this week but fortunately had extras. You can’t get 

through on the phone to the
place. Anyhow, I went out and went to the Rite Aid pharmacy to pick up Scripps and to also take out cash for 

them. Just when I showed up to the pharmacy, they close down the pharmacy because they all close down during lunch they don’t have enough employees

 to change shifts. That’s only thing I can think of off the top my head. anyhow, I got the prescriptions and went back to Mike’s. Doing the

 errands made me feel a lot better. I ended up taking out some trash and talking with Mike for a little bit. I thought about skipping yoga, but I feel well enoughnow to do it. The class was really warm. Fortunately, 

he strategically opened up windows to get some air in and boiler felt really really good. There beno way I would do anything especially Pilates which is totally aerobic. I told the teacher I’m going 2  try it once. But I can’t do that another class because aerobicsnbsp;is pretty difficult for me. Anyhow, after class I headed homewarmed up the house and ate. That felt pretty good

. I then talked on the phone as I usually do and wrapped up my day. I’m deathly gonna be sleeping in tomorrow to relax. anyhow, it’s March already my sister turned 64 
and March is here. March is always 
a transitional type of month. It’s always been where change happens or the perception of change happens. Well, it starts with the weather and moves on from there. The weather is fluky, then again, February is like that too so February is like March so March could be like February or be like April but we don’t know 

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