Thursday, March 16, 2023

Thursday, March 16: Getting Better

 I came upon this magic ship and it led me to where I need to go. Good
morning. Today is Thursday, March 16, 2023. Almost through 1/3 of the year I think. I got up in Ardmore did my whole morning routine set up and Made the train just in time.
I was like well oiled machine I think. I ate breakfast and watched last nights Stephen Colbert show which used up most of the 12 minutes. R

I had to eat after I prepared my food. Sunrise was kind of pretty this morning, and I just caught the train in time.  I stopped at Wawa and picked up some napkins for nose blowing 

and I picked up an orange juice and some bananas for nutrients since I’m still fighting
 off this cold that’s been lingering since Monday afternoon/evening

. I it’s pretty cold but not quite as blustery and windy as it had been. I got to Mike’s about 

five minutes late or so because I kept stopping at different stops

 as I had mentioned earlier it’s cold but it’s not as windy and blessed recent was yesterday. Yes Mike and I are discussing that weird news of woke Banks CRT and we discussed. 

Basically the whole CRT scares basically make racism great again. anyway, I did some cleanup of the utensil area and did that to Mike said he almost got 

jabbed by a knife in the area where his utensils are then I found out as I finish that they decided to shut off the water for about an hour and a half they fortunately did put it back on and that’s a good

 thing. It’s almost 1039. I just tested myself for Covid and I don’t have Covid. This is just a funky long ass cold. It won’t go away. Well anyway I had my telehealth appointment 
while walking outside and no antibiotics just let the thing run its course. She 

will note that I got shingles in my medical record. I looked 

up my blog and it was February 13 that I reported having shingles. I didn’t realize it was that long ago boy I just 

realize it’s basically two months of minor health issues is Mick Jagger sang “what a drag it is getting old.” 
Anyhow, I left Mike’s and wanted around Center City a little bit. Taking some pictures. Got some good pictures of City Hall, Papa, and 
other things like that. I decided to stop because I was getting tired as usual. I decided I forgo my meetings because I was too goddamn tired so I eventually

 wobbled home. Ate lots of food and talked on the phone a little bit. It’s not 837. I’m gonna take another nap. I didn’t 

take one yet. And then I’m gonna talk on the 📞 well I talked on the phone and I had trouble sleeping and it really sucked because I wanted to get myself well for the weekend. Anyhow, it was a day and hopefully by 

this week and I feel normal relatively normal that is. It’s been quite a journey this week and a half of feeling ill ever since last Monday night into Tuesday. I haven’t gotten any meetings done. No 

yoga and done a lot of napping. It’s a it’s not state of being

 that’s for sure. It’s not all bad, but it wasn’t that 
great either. They’ll always be questions. Always questions something that can be answered and some that cannot be answered. Some of that could be answered but

 the answers aren’t good enough which causes more questions how do you question that? 

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