Saturday, October 23, 2021

Saturday, October 23: Driving to Media, Ardmore and Buzy

This morning I got to sleep in a little bit because instead of me taking the

 bus out to get the car from Lynne to drive to my moms Lynne was coming to pick me up. She had an appointment early in the morning. She arrived and 

then we talked for a bit and then spent 20 minutes vacuuming the entire car at the local gas station on Market Street. After we did that, I dropped her off at Ardmore and dropped off my Hot Yoga 

sweat shirt for her place. I left her place and decided I go to Dave place and pick up the yard signs from his house before going to Riddle village. I had to tell them that I 

wouldn’t be there till 1:15 PM. My mom and them were OK about that. 

I ran into Dave picked up 18 signs chat a little bit and then brought off to Riddle Village. After I picked

 her up we went to the diner on Baltimore Pike in media. I’ve got the name of it 
Mom gave me some stuff to give to Alice. I offhand. Both of us are really hungry and we ended up chowing down pretty good. had chicken pot pie and she had hamburger and we ate

everything up. It was quite fun.  I then dropped her off and realized I had to stick a couple signs 

near Riddle Village so I did that. I think got home stuck about three or four signs

 in Melbourne and then stuck a couple signs in the car. Unfortunate 

wasn’t able to stick them around because there was no good place to put a sign at Route one and  West Chester Pike. I’d leave the signs on the side of Ardmore house 

because I knew I couldn’t came around. The next step was going to Wawa picking up waters and then going to her house. I decided I’d stay and take public transit. She eventually went to her 

friend Amy‘s house and I eventually caught the 105 bus to 69th St. terminal. I decided since it is raining I would just sit and chill in Upper Darby and catch 21 bus and get directly there. I  

told my friend Wayne I would be at the Kabobish around 6 PM. Well he showed up right on time and we ordered some food send enjoyed 

the food a lot. He was really happy that there’s parking right next to the restaurant. What we finished our dinner around 7:00 PM. We were both talking home days are getting shorter

 and shorter quicker and quicker with each day. I just 
looked up it daylight savings time ends officially at 2 AM on Sunday, November 7. I will be in California. It’ll be a shock coming back will be all cold dark. Anyhow I came home and I actually felt

hungry again so I made myself a smoothie rather eat more cereal. The fact I got a good nights sleep really made today work for me. I was watching Super Bowl 10 on YouTube. That was the first 

time the Pittsburgh Steelers met Dallas Cowboys. I took a screenshot of Walter Cronkite with Bret Musburger Phyllis George and Irv Cross on the broadcast.

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