Thursday, January 13, 2011

Its Wintertime Folks

Where Rt 55 meets Rt 42 7am 1-12
The snow was not that bad going to work and yet the Philly and Millville schools were closed. Route 55 was in good shape. I did drive 50 or so to be careful At my job at the Philadelphia County Assistance Office, half the staff were out. My unit bosses were not there. It was a pretty mellow day at the Elmwood District. I got somethings done and at decent pace instead of breakneck as is the norm when one has too much work and not enough staff nor time to complete ALL the tasks that are to be done.
Larry's Bar 1-12
After work, I met some friends at Larry's Bar. I was treated to pinball and a  cold beer. It appears that the Oar House will not return a painted that was loaned to the establishment. Not sure why this is going on but it does leave a stale taste in one's mouth. Its another example of turning off your customers. A friend told me the Oar House was very empty. So it appears that business is suffering under the new owner. Not too cool.
Oh, I read that the state of NJ wants to pass a law to make every bike owner register their bikes. An article in the News of Cumberland County sums it up well:
Tire pressure? Check.

Brake cables? Check.

License plate and registration?

A recently-introduced bill would require bicycles to be registered with the state Motor Vehicle Commission (MVC).

If operators decline to do so, a fine of up to $100 could follow.

The bill, A-3657, was sponsored by Assemblywoman Cleopatra G. Tucker (D-Essex) and introduced seven days ago.

Since then, public response has been skeptic, the MVC has been silent and media inquiries to Tucker have proved futile.

License plates, to be provided by the state, would need to be attached when riding on any public land or road in the state.

First-time registration would expire after two years
New Jersey license plate from 2007Image via Wikipedia

Now what is the perpose of this? How much will police go tracking down errant folks on bikes?
This is just unnecessary considering all the problems we have here in New Jersey. Its smacks of big-brother and its just another rule to follow.
Speaking of rules to follow. I have got to get dressed and catch the 5:47 Rt 408 bus. The driver on Thursdays tends to be early and is a bit too old to drive but that is another story. Off I go. Enjoy the video!!!

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