Tuesday, October 03, 2023

Tuesday, October 3: COVID Vaccine, Yoga ,& Choir

I am a Homeslice living after day after day. Well I found out that 

saving my post off-line doesn’t work anymore. I just tried to save it just

 a minute ago and it just disappeared. I woke up this morning 

and slept pretty well and did my usual breakfast thing. I did manage to throw

 a box out in the trash today, I got Mike’s a little bit late. I caught one

 of the Broad Street buses. I’ve been lucky. I’ve caught a bus on Broad Street each

 time I’ve done tried to do and it really does speed up the time. So 

I got to Mike’s got him some food and then after that we took out our little walk and that was nice cause it’s really nice and warm outside. After that 

walk I headed into the bus stop and got the 40 bus all the way up to 20th and Lombard and then walk to block south 
to 2132 South 

St.where I registered for the Covid shot The Covid shot went smoothly, actually hurt a tiny bit more than the flu shot which didn’t hurt at all. Think the needle was 

a little thicker. Anyhow, I decided to walk back from South Street since it was such a nice day outside and I looked around and thought about getting in a massage at one of the places, 

but decided that it wasn’t worth it so I just got back to Mike’s eat lunch and call mother nature. Then just chilled

 out for a couple hours and then took out some trash and did stuff like that.  It was in time to get the flock out of dodge and 

make my 4 o’clock appointment that I have every Tuesday. I decided to walk in start writing up this blog posting. I am 

then going to Van at 5:45, but I’m gonna look for an adapter for my app so I can transfer these photos from the phone to a thumb drive. We’ll see. 

Well, that was an interesting appointment. I do bring out the passive aggressiveness in certain people or types of people. 

That’s all I’m gonna say about that. Anyhow, I just got out of my appointment and the House Republicans booted out Kevin McCarthy as their speaker. The Democrats didn’t support

 him to save his ass. So I guess for the next 40 days and 40 nights is gonna be nothing but drama nothing done. I don’t know how they keep electing
 these people that do nothing for anybody except to get 
more power and click bait on Fox News. I then went to Vinyasa class

 and that was really good. I really enjoyed myself right then and there. 

At the end as I was doing Shastina I got confused and was wondering 

what I had to do today or Thursday and realized I had choir practice. I forgot my folder, but I went 

ahead and took choir practice and they got an extra folderof sudden, my body really

 stiffened up and when choir practice that I went to Mary’s and he fed me some leftovers which were tasty and I had a nice time and relaxed then I took the L and the trolley home 

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