Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Tuesday, June 20: A Pedicure in Poway

I got up early and then decided I just go back to sleep. I slept in till about 9:45 AM. I’m gonna head and eat my regular breakfast and talked

on the phone for a while. I then walked down to get my pedicure that I made appointment for 11:30 AM. it was nice. I do find myself very ticklish, but it was good to do that. It was relaxing. Anyhow, I went to Tarjei and I 

went to the section and got the got the ointment for athletes foot, as well as some toothpaste and a couple other men’s miscellaneous items. I didn’t wobble back home to Alice’s and watched

 a guy name Nick Johnson do videos about Biloxi, Mississippi, Shreveport, Louisiana, New Orleans, Louisiana. It was all very interesting. He travels with his wife and does all these travel videos.

 He spent 25 days in the deep south. He obviously married someone that doesn’t mind doing all 
that. I wouldn’t mind being able to do that. I think that be kind of cool. It takes a lot of work I know the guy makes it look pretty easy and actually has interviews with actual people

 live in those places I’ve never even been close to that area of the country . The

 closest I ever got was when I took greyhound across the country

 I did touch Arkansas and then parts of Texas, but I didn’t really stay anywhere. Anyhow, I came home and 
Alice and I watched a pretty corny movie about a certain comedian and her really bad date she had. This guy was a bit of a psycho. We both realized we had seen this movie before, but we had forgotten, and it came back 
to slowly, but surely which was odd to put it bluntly, it was a nice lazy day doing it right and doing a good like we all know we should. Tomorrow, Alice 
and I are going to go on a little road trip out to see the Palomar telescope and stay overnight. Should be fun. 

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